Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Is it possible to get blues from Lav. splits? Sorry I can not answer your question, I am a real newbie to Ameraucanas but trying to learn, maybe someone can answer both..............They are darling!!!
They ARE cute, but I wouldn't use them with the green legs at all if you can find something else...I myself had a splash EE hen with red leakage and when I bred her to my lavender roo, I got blue chicks that look just like yours. It was in the hens genes.

You can get lavender splits from ANY color that you breed a lavender to. As long as one of the parents is visually lavender, any other color bird you breed it to is what the chicks will look like, but will carry the lavender gene.
I am so
with these white Ameraucanas. I think I have at least one boy from the 4 I got from you, but the other three are feathering faster. I wish I could keep one white roo, your chickens always look so nice.
I am so
with these white Ameraucanas. I think I have at least one boy from the 4 I got from you, but the other three are feathering faster. I wish I could keep one white roo, your chickens always look so nice.

Oh thank you. I have been getting more girls than boys from my hatches this spring. Its so strange. Not that I'm complaining at all! LOL. These guys are by far my favorite. They're so gental.
Total Ameraucana newbie here ... what is a "Blue/Lav split"? (I have one that looks even lighter than yours at 3 weeks - also with 2-tone legs. I am assuming he is Blue but maybe I'm wrong?)
Okay, trying to figure out if this is a roo or a pullet.....any takers? Sorry it isn't the clearest. It is 6 wks old.....I'm thinking roo.


Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :



Thanks Mrs. Fluffy Puffy.....just what I thought
I'm usually good at this but with my Ameraucanas...not so much..LOL. One thing I try to go by is leg size and this one also has fuller legs.​
JMHO, I wouldn't even use a blue/lav split, period. One of the reasons lav was bred into black Ameraucanas was to get away from the problem of splash, a color not accepted by the APA; mix the two, you will get splash lavs. With B/B/S, you have the option of avoiding splash birds by breeding black to blue or black to splash; and never blue to blue or blue to splash. With Lavs, you will never identify which birds are carrying blue. I actually like the appearence of splash birds, but doubt they will ever be accepted to show outside the AOV category.

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