Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Hi guys, :) This is "Golo Golo" he was sold to me as a 5 day old girl turned out to be a boy.

Does he look Ameraucana to you?

I had some questions about breeding.

Why do so many people cross bread Ameraucana?

I never saw the egg but is it possible for offspring of Ameraucana and Rodeisland to have blue eggs?

Is Ameraucana Blackstar desirable cross bread?

Do blue eggs taste different?

Golo's life partner is "Colora" she is a Rode island red, the black star behind them is like
a chaperon her name is "Negrita".

The last picture is of Golo's and Colora's only ofspring and the "Puertorican figthing Roster" hen that hatched them.

Yikes! Definitely not an Ameraucana. Yellow legs, wrong comb. I have no idea if he even carries the blue egg laying gene. If he does and passes it on to his pullets whose mother is the Rhode Island Red, you will (probably) get some color of green. That's if he passes the blue-egg-laying gene to his daughters. Blue eggs are blue because of a chemical in the shell. The blue goes through the total thickness of the shell. A brown egg, on the other hand, is a white egg with brown paint washed on it. Crack open a brown egg and you see it is white shelled inside.

I have no idea why people breed crossbred chickens, especially when a beautiful purebred heritage breed costs just as much to feed and house.

Are you in Puerto Rico? I know the airlines have made it very difficult to transport chickens, so I don't know how you would be able to get decent breeding stock, between it being too hot to ship safely and the regulations. I moved from the US Virgin Islands and cock fighting was legal. Is it still legal in PR?
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Thanks! Very helpful information. :) I guess I won't know if she lays blue eggs or not until she actually lays one. I was told she laid blue eggs, but they're flea market chickens so I take any information with a grain of salt. Either way, I adore his colors, even if he's just a mutt.
Yikes! Definitely not an Ameraucana. Yellow legs, wrong comb. I have no idea if he even carries the blue egg laying gene. If he does and passes it on to his pullets whose mother is the Rhode Island Red, you will (probably) get some color of green. That's if he passes the blue-egg-laying gene to his daughters. Blue eggs are blue because of a chemical in the shell. The blue goes through the totall thickness of the shell. A brown egg, on the other hand, is a white egg with brown paint washed on it. Crack open a brown egg and you see it is white shelled inside.

I have no idea why people breed crossbred chickens, especially when a beautiful purebred heritage breed costs just as much to feed and house.

Are you in Puerto Rico? I know the airlines have made it very difficult to transport chickens, so I don't know how you would be able to get decent breeding stock, between it being too hot to ship safely and the regulations. I moved from the US Virgin Islands and cock fighting was legal. Is it still legal in PR?

The poor guy was sold to me as a Rode island red female. :) he is so sweet, an adorable pet, he sleeps inside so he doesn't bother the neighbors. I do not care much for the breed but it was weird to have him pop up when I was getting buying Reds.

Yes I live in Puerto Rico were cockfights are legal, very sad, I disprove of it. I saved 3 baby hens from a neighbor who breads very expensive fighting cocks he has gonna sacrifice them like at a day old. They did not get along after they started laying eggs so I had to make individual houses for them but towards me they are very tame and sweet.
Yikes! Definitely not an Ameraucana. Yellow legs, wrong comb. I have no idea if he even carries the blue egg laying gene. If he does and passes it on to his pullets whose mother is the Rhode Island Red, you will (probably) get some color of green. That's if he passes the blue-egg-laying gene to his daughters. Blue eggs are blue because of a chemical in the shell. The blue goes through the total thickness of the shell. A brown egg, on the other hand, is a white egg with brown paint washed on it. Crack open a brown egg and you see it is white shelled inside.

I have no idea why people breed crossbred chickens, especially when a beautiful purebred heritage breed costs just as much to feed and house.

Are you in Puerto Rico? I know the airlines have made it very difficult to transport chickens, so I don't know how you would be able to get decent breeding stock, between it being too hot to ship safely and the regulations. I moved from the US Virgin Islands and cock fighting was legal. Is it still legal in PR?
Eggs could be shipped priority unless they are specifically restricted. While the roo is the wrong color, He does have a similar body shape and a beard, so that might mean that there are some AMs over there somewhere. I notice he has some blue feathers here and there too. If I hatched any eggs from my RIRs and the wrong colored Blue Wheaten roo, I'll bet they would look like this. No, I am not going to do that.
Well just great. I am already using my incorrectly colored blue wheaten as my EE daddy....if I choose to have any. He is my laying flock rooster. Now, what do I do with a beautiful blue rooster with a red feather or two? Freezer camp not an option.
wish we lived closer. he would be awesome for my EE breeding experiments this spring.
Beautiful birds! What do the letters written on the tags mean? I was wondering that when I saw the birds at the fair.
Here are some pictures from the lastest show I went to. I am pretty pleased with how my AMs did, even if there wasn't much competion within the breed. This Boy is 7 months old. A sumatra placed in front of him. I had to chuckle at how someone entered one of their AMs. There was a lavendar AM and it was entered as a self blue. Not that it was wrong, I am just not used to a lavendar ameraucana being called self blue.
Beautiful birds! What do the letters written on the tags mean? I was wondering that when I saw the birds at the fair.

Thank you

BV- best variety
RV- reserve variety
RB- reserve of breed
BB- best of breed
AOSB- all other standard breeds

The number is the placement in the class, which would be the divisions by age and sex (pullet, cockerel, cock or hen), for example, first blue cockerel. Some judges write comments or add check marks to show what they thought of the bird.
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