
Sherris Backyard Beauties

12 Years
Sep 1, 2007
Fort Pierce, Florida
My Ameraucana Hen has gone broody! I didn't know what to do for her since she is not laying and was just sitting in her basket trying to hatch my 2 Rhode Island Reds eggs that they've been laying. I've been taking the eggs thinking she would stop being broody but she kept up. Anyways after the 3rd day of her sitting with nothing under her I decided to put 7 eggs under her that were from the fridge that week. Low and behold today is the 4th day the eggs are under her and they're veining, To my surprise! I hope the chicks hatch. Does anyone think there will be a problem down the line since the eggs were refrigerated? Should I pull them out so it would be less stress on my hen if theres a chance they won't make it to the end? She is my favorite and I only have 3 chickens left including her and I have 1 rooster left because we had battle with a bobcat and it won.
Congrats on the veining! I've heard lots of people on here say they hatched eggs that had previously been refrigerated. At this point I would just let nature take it's course and hope for a good outcome. Good luck!
I have several beautiful chickens from refrigerated eggs.
Several other people on here do, too.
If they are developing you should be fine. Good luck to you and your hen.
I kinda wondered ~ that since the "books" say to store eggs around 55*. Well! Where is THAT? My refrigerator is colder, my house is warmer! Guess purchase one of those little tiny refrigerators just for eggs.
They hatched! All 7 were ferrtile. 2 of them died getting out of the shell. But I have 2 Grey and 3 brown. 4 of them hatched on the 19th day and 1 on the 20th. I was shocked! I've been forgetting to put pics so here is a few! I've moved the mama chick into an old rabbit coop I had with the babies, My question is about How old before I should let her take them outside?


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