Ameraucanas, Delawares, Marans, Bantam Cochins and a Silkie


12 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Northeast Pennsylvania
I have to sell chickens! I have over 100 and I have no place to put them all since I rearranged things for the ducks and geese. Plus, simply put, we need the money. A few unfortunate things have happened and I need to down size by half ASAP.

17 Delawares - 2 def. Cockerels, 2 chicks that should be cockerels, 13 POL Pullets. Hatchery birds. $15 each for the pullets, cockerels are free.

5-6 Cuckoo Marans - 1 is a cockerel, the others look to be pullets - 5wks - from Chickielady and DMRippy. $10 each. (I decided to keep 4-5 of the pullets and one cockerel)

1 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Hens around 2yrs old from Peachick/Kat LaDue - $20 each

A couple of roosters - 2 Ameraucanas and 3 bantam Cochins. I don't care what you do with them (eating, pet or on the farm). Free.
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Yeah, I've never shipped and it's not exactly something I want to venture into right at the moment. I am sure I'd need 2 boxes and I assume it'd be near $100 to ship.
Do you have any ladies that are laying blue eggs? I soooo want a hen with blue eggs, but here in suburbia I can't just buy a ton and hope for the best.

Also, where in "northern PA"? I'm down in MD and trying to figure out what kind of drive we're talking.
406 Beech Glenn Road, Benton, PA 17814 - I am about 3hrs from Hagerstown.
All of the Ameraucanas lay blue eggs. Of course, the 4 young pullets (crooked toes, hackle ticking and yellow legs) are to young, but they will lay blue eggs, too. They are true Ameraucanas, not Easter Eggers.
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Unfortunately for us that's a bit too far a drive. Soooo disapointed! 6Chicks, good luck with the hubby... tell him 3 hours is NOTHING for the right hen... I've gone further :)

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