Ameraucanas? Easter Eggers? What do I have?!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
Austin Tx
I have 10 pullets from Stromberg's that we're supposed to be Ameraucanas but are feathering striped, so I guess that makes them Easter Eggers and not Ameraucanas?
Is that right?
I've got a lovely mix if colors, auburn, black and white, black with auburn cheeks, and some buff ones as well. We got them mostly for the colored eggs. My kids are so excited about the colorful eggs!
Should they absolutely lay blues or greens? Or is that up in the air as well since they aren't Ameraucanas truly?
Does anyone have experience with Stromberg's in this regard?





These are some of the day old pictures, I'll get some current ones now that they're almost 2 weeks on.
Most hatcheries sell Easter Eggers, which are what yours looks like. Most lay blue or green eggs, but a couple of mine have laid light brown or cream colored eggs. In my experience, they are extremely friendly birds and I'm sure your kids will love watching them grow! Good luck with them!
Well most hatcheries call their Easter Eggers Ameraucanas, Araucanas, or americanas( misspelling). But yes, they are all EEs. Cute though.:) EEs don't all lay blue or green eggs, depending on how diluted their blue egg gene is, they can lay white and brown eggs too.
Thanks! So fingers crossed that their eggs are colorful! Our ladies now lay all shades of light brown and one lays a dusky mauve. It will be exciting see what we get I guess!
They look like Easter Eggers, which are sold by almost all hatcheries. Should lay colored eggs, though, no matter whether they're purebred Ameraucanas or EEs.

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