Ameraucanas? Gender?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
Nephi, UT
I am new here. My friend and I got some eggs from a lady in the next town who had a pretty nice setup and kept all her breeds separate from each other. She got Rhode Island Reds and I got Ameraucanas. I have been reading different things online and some places said they aren't very common and are usually easter eggers not Ameraucanas so I was just wondering what your opinions are and if you could give a guess as to gender. I have 6. 3 are more brown on there faces and feathers and 2 are kinda yellow on their faces and they have more white and black looking feathers and one is in between. They are around 3 weeks now. I can get more pics of them. They were just trying to fly away.



Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are usually true to their colors(ie: black, lavender/silver, wheaten). Easter Eggers hatch in all sorts of varieties and color combinations(which is also why their eggs can be colored differently too - light turquoise, mint green, pink/tinted brown). I once had a buff pullet with lavender hackle feathers. She was cute and layed a mint egg. Easter Eggers also have the olive-green legs. Ameraucanas have slate blue I believe.
They are definitely Easter Eggers and at this point (although it is too early to tell for certain) the three you posted pictures of are looking like girls. You will have to post pictures of all of them individually in a couple more weeks to get a better answer though because they could still be is just too early to be 100% sure right now.
OK. Thanks for the answers. How do you tell the EE and Ameraucanas apart? Brandoncakes you say they are usually true to there colors. I am totally new to chickens and I have no idea what those colors would look like. Do you have a post or website that has pictures and descriptions of them? Or maybe you would be able to post some for me. I've looked online but so far I haven't had much luck.

I got them not knowing what to expect, but I still like them even if they are EEs. They are still cute. These all came out of green eggs. I can't wait to see what they lay. I hope most of them are girls. I was guessing the ones that weren't brown might be boys. Any ideas on what colors might turn out to be? I don't even know what colors the parents would be considered. lol. I will for sure post some more pictures of them all individually when they get a little bigger.

Thanks everyone!
OK. Thanks for the answers. How do you tell the EE and Ameraucanas apart? Brandoncakes you say they are usually true to there colors. I am totally new to chickens and I have no idea what those colors would look like. Do you have a post or website that has pictures and descriptions of them? Or maybe you would be able to post some for me. I've looked online but so far I haven't had much luck.

I got them not knowing what to expect, but I still like them even if they are EEs. They are still cute. These all came out of green eggs. I can't wait to see what they lay. I hope most of them are girls. I was guessing the ones that weren't brown might be boys. Any ideas on what colors might turn out to be? I don't even know what colors the parents would be considered. lol. I will for sure post some more pictures of them all individually when they get a little bigger.

Thanks everyone!

Here is a thread on this site that help explain the differences
Also you could go to the site for info on ameraucanas.
One way to tell early gender is the stomach. The male's stomach has no or sparse feathers on the stomach creating a vertical "bald spot" which reveals a bone. Post pics when the chicks are older and then we can guess. I would say that the brown chick looks like your only female (Judging by posture and tail) but it's still early to say.
PS. They are definitely Easter eggers.

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