American Bresse - do I race over to buy these??? Quick!


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
I found someone locally who has five American Bresse chickens for sale, 3 pullets and 2 cockerels, 3-months old - for $20.00 each. I know it's a good deal, IF they are true Bresse.
How do I identify them, apart from other white breeds? Is there anything I should look out for?
She says she got them from a "breeder" in another nearby town, but no more information than that.
She's only 10 miles from me, and I have a pen and coop ready. Do I go???
Well, the bresse I had had blue legs. I'm not sure if 'american' bresse do too
They do!
From what little I've read, true Bresse chickens come from the Bresse region of France, and their breeding is kept under strict guidelines. "American" Bresse are genetically no different than the French flocks, I believe; but they cannot be classified as true French Bresse since they weren't bred on French soil. They aren't recognized yet by the NPIP. Yeah, look at me being all expert and stuff on these chickens. pffffttt!

I couldn't resist the opportunity, so I went and picked them up. I'm so excited!!!!!
Meet the "Frenchie" tribe:
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The seller told me he tries to maintain breed standards, and one of these cockerels above has a little brown leakage on his shoulders (not standard). The other cockerel and all three pullets are pure white.

I plan to integrate the non-standard rooster into my mixed breed flock (he's the spare), and keep the other 'roo and the girls for a breeding group. My main purpose in getting these is simply meat for the freezer. The best tasting meat I can find ;) I don't plan to become a 'breeder' to sell them.
They do!
From what little I've read, true Bresse chickens come from the Bresse region of France, and their breeding is kept under strict guidelines. "American" Bresse are genetically no different than the French flocks, I believe; but they cannot be classified as true French Bresse since they weren't bred on French soil. They aren't recognized yet by the NPIP. Yeah, look at me being all expert and stuff on these chickens. pffffttt!

I couldn't resist the opportunity. I'm so excited!!!!!
Meet the "Frenchie" tribe:
View attachment 3538319

Omg what beauties😍:love! I bet you're going to really enjoy doing a breeding pen of these guys!!!
Omg what beauties😍:love! I bet you're going to really enjoy doing a breeding pen of these guys!!!
I'm considering building them a hoop tractor coop just for the Bresse birds, something like the one @aart made:
For now, they're in a tiny coop I use for a brooder coop or temporary holding for other purposes, and I have a roosting hutch and small pen they can have for now. I can move them to the bigger cockerel coop and pen in a few weeks, as soon as I process the hybrid cockerels currently occupying that space.

I think I'll keep both Bresse cockerels, but integrate one of them into my heritage/hybrids flock in the Big Coop starting today. I've got a group of 14 pullets the same age in the front section of this coop, starting integration with the main flock. I can halt that process to get him integrated with the pullets first, then re-start integration of the whole group to the main flock. He'll be my spare in case tragedy strikes the other one I'll keep with the girls.

I've always wanted a breed to rival the Cornish Cross for tender, moist and flavorful meat and which finish out quickly, but also with features of the best heritage breeds: Excellent layers of large eggs, good broodies and mothers, mild temperament, predator savvy, good foragers, economical to feed, tolerant of hot or cold climates - and most important, ability to breed and raise my own.

I looked into getting a few Bresse once before, but gave up quickly once I saw how expensive they were and how hard to find in my area. I had my sights set on getting some Freedom Rangers next spring as the next best alternative.

So yes, I'm beyond excited to have some Bresse chickens almost fly into my pens! :wee

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