American Game questions

Lone Wolf

7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
I have been looking at this breed for quite awhile but there are still some questions I would like to ask experts
1. Is it true that you CAN"T have more than one american game rooster?
2. Will american game hens attack other hens?
3. Where can I buy some chicks or hatching eggs? I can't find them anywhere!

It is true, game roosters do fight when they are together. The reason is they have a gene that makes them more aggressive. They usually show this aggresive charecteristic at about 8 months old. Both roosters and hens will fight males and females to show dominance once dominance is settled between hen and rooster all is fine. However if two roosters fight one will win the loser will ether be killed or injured to the point of being left out of the group. You can keep many roosters but just don't let them see each other. You can buy online or locally.
Thanks for the information! Are there any specific sites I should know about?

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