American Gamefowl Thread!!!!

How is the "egg hatching" going? I have been begging all my gals ( 7) to start laying. They are 23 wks and I finally got 3 eggs in one day but 2 didn't have shells. My stag Leonard has been sitting in the nest box singing and straining to lay an egg but no luck.
Maybe he is just trying to train the girls but I dunno! Hope everyone is well and enjoying summer. I dread to see time change as I will lose a lot of time with the chickens.
I was hoping he is trying to train the hens instead of having gender issues! I do have a dilemma though- He is the roo from the pic above (Leonard). He is best with the gals as far as foraging and alerts but I don't really care for the barred coloring of his breast feathers. As he is a beautiful bird I just prefer the solid colors of the other. I wanted to breed the other roo (Frank) with my gals but he has become obsessed with one gal only and wants to breed her constantly throughout the day. I know that isn't good for her and she is a nervous wreck so what should I do?
I already have a 1 1/2 yr old cock and 5 hens free ranging on 15 acres but was wondering if I could get "Frank" some new gals to free range with or should I just consider getting rid of a roo? Hubby doesn't want to build another coop so that I could move him and a few gals over. Not sure what to do but know that I want them all happy.
Any ideas or thoughts welcome..
You have some beautiful birds! That's what I am hoping to get to thru growing and breeding mine.
I have separated the unruly roo for now and am going to get him some girls of his own. The hen is calm and happy with the other roo Leonard- I think Frank has too big a crush on her!
I want to dub mine- what age and how do you do that?

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