American serama thread!

So excited!! While we have lots of LF I was browsing through this site one day out of boredom and stumbled on to this thread. What happened next? I fell in love with Serama's!! Since I am horrible at incubating I knew hatching myself would be out of the question and finding chicks in this part of GA has been like finding gold and diamonds in a mcdonalds toy meal I thought I would not be able to get any. And then a fellow BYC member offered to incubate eggs for me and even knew a breeder in Florida that I could get eggs from! 

Now the eggs are being set tomorrow and I will soon have little fluffy butts running around! So eggcited! 1 dozen little eggs soon to be who knows how many precious little midgets!
raising them will be fun
Any babies yet? Mine go into lock down on Sunday! Then more on Monday. :))
One hatched day 20 (yesterday).It is sooooo sweet a beautiful white so far
but who knows in a few months..............I will get a pic when I can..also looking
forward to taking pictures with the English Orps that are also hatching.
Good Luck to you........................
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I'm from the UK and new to BYC also new to Serama. I have 11 beauties outside (and will need advice on how to keep them healthy over winter). I have also hatched my first lot of home laid eggs. So far I have 4 chicks, 3 chicks 6/7 days and one 2 days old. One chick the youngest (currently 2 days old) had spraddle leg and I put leg hobbles on it for the first 24 hours, gave it physio 8 times in that 24 hours. I removed the hobble and the chick was fine, I left it hobble free overnight and it's doing really well. I have 9 eggs left to either hatch or not hatch :(
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Thought I would finally take some photos of my three. They are my starter group. I have eggs in from three different breeders..two from BYC. I think I might get me some nice Seramas from these eggs. This rooster in these photos is tiny. He looks bigger in the photos. The girls haven't started laying yet, but he still does his little dance around them, getting ready I guess. lol
This first pullet has some awesome coloring going least I think so.

So does this other pullet. She has some white spots coming out that she didn't have on her
back, also in her tail..Love it.

My little guy. So friendly!

He is so small, I know not the smallest out there, but the size I like. His orange neck coloring is coming out nicely.

The threesome for now.

Showing the one girls white coming in.

Pruning like a cat does when it is getting attention. These birds are soo fun. I get the biggest kick at how they are. I haven't had a roo before, taking a try at keeping this boy because his crow is so small. Hoping the neighbors don't hear him either while indoors..sometimes, I can barely hear him when I'm indoors. My LF hens announcing their eggs/egg song, are more loud than he is!

Someone wanted to know how to take care of them out side during the winter. I will get photos of my set up. Hoping this will be warm enough. I think it will. I kept some young RIR babies in there all last year. They are now laying me some pretty nice sized eggs. My DH just added on the one side..really put some more room in there for them, because they are going to spend most of their time in there once the snow starts flying.

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