American serama thread!

All my roosters want to have sex constantly. They will only stop to try and start a fight with another male.
During free range time, my yard looks like a Cologne train station on New Year's Eve.
Worf is a very determined suitor & even tiny Charley keeps trying to mount numerous girls but keeps getting swatted down.

Mine look to fight, but not a lot of mating. None of my roosters are like that and some days I spend a lot of time with the birds. What matters is the eggs are fertile. And I don't need to worry about over breeding. Fight they will. Sure wish that weren't the case.
You can see a little glimpse of their flight feathers if you look at the image full screen

Yes, I see. One thing I've noticed about Tribbles is that their legs and feet are quite fleshy. A rather unique look. I sure hope some of mine hatch. I keep wanting to candle, but know that can be overdone. Bad hands-I keep dropping things all day and every day. I don't want to lose a Tribble that way.
I tried to put a legband on my tribble at the same time as the other Seramas of the same age. No way could I get it on him, his feet are Soooo fat!
I tried to put a legband on my tribble at the same time as the other Seramas of the same age. No way could I get it on him, his feet are Soooo fat!

Oddly, it's one of the first things I noticed that was way different. Nine days to go before my tribbles hatch. Ra_ should start a Tribbles thread. How many do you have?

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