American serama thread!

Well, came home this afternoon to something very sad... Stormy was dead outside of the brooder. I don't know what happened. I think he jumped out and got too cold, as there were no injuries on the body that we could see. Our brooder right now is a Rubbermaid tub. I have a real large wood brooder with a lid, but it's being used right now by older, bigger chicks, and I didn't want the Serama to be beat around by the other chicks. Stormy showed no signs of being able to fly before, so it was really shocking. All of my birds are in the shop, so if I would have been home, he probably would be here right now... And then there's Raine. She's chirping in distress, all alone, looking for Stormy. I do have other chicks, like I said before, but they are LF, and my only other bantams are fully feathered. I'm so shocked about this whole thing still.
one morning i woke up and my little serama was sitting on my bed waiting for me! at that time she was just as feathered out as stormy. i just put alittle wire mesh on top of the lid. i used a tub with a half cut of lid. sorry to hear about stormy :(
Well, came home this afternoon to something very sad... Stormy was dead outside of the brooder. I don't know what happened. I think he jumped out and got too cold, as there were no injuries on the body that we could see. Our brooder right now is a Rubbermaid tub. I have a real large wood brooder with a lid, but it's being used right now by older, bigger chicks, and I didn't want the Serama to be beat around by the other chicks. Stormy showed no signs of being able to fly before, so it was really shocking. All of my birds are in the shop, so if I would have been home, he probably would be here right now... And then there's Raine. She's chirping in distress, all alone, looking for Stormy. I do have other chicks, like I said before, but they are LF, and my only other bantams are fully feathered. I'm so shocked about this whole thing still.
Sorry about Stormy.
Well, came home this afternoon to something very sad... Stormy was dead outside of the brooder. I don't know what happened. I think he jumped out and got too cold, as there were no injuries on the body that we could see. Our brooder right now is a Rubbermaid tub. I have a real large wood brooder with a lid, but it's being used right now by older, bigger chicks, and I didn't want the Serama to be beat around by the other chicks. Stormy showed no signs of being able to fly before, so it was really shocking. All of my birds are in the shop, so if I would have been home, he probably would be here right now... And then there's Raine. She's chirping in distress, all alone, looking for Stormy. I do have other chicks, like I said before, but they are LF, and my only other bantams are fully feathered. I'm so shocked about this whole thing still.
Aww, I'm sorry.

I have 2 1/2 week old seramas and d'uccles, 5 week old standard turkens, and 11 week old japanese bantams all in the same brooder together. The japanese are pretty sweet with the little ones. The turkens are already the size of the japs and will be moved out pretty soon, but you might be able to put an older bantam chick in with Raine.
So you think s/he would be okay with 13 week old Cochin bantams (they have always been really friendly to other chicks, so I'm not too worried about them). 3, probably 2 1/2 week old feed store chicks and 1 LF 7 week old cockerel? I am getting rid of the feed store chicks and the cockerel soon, probably sometime this week.
Well, came home this afternoon to something very sad... Stormy was dead outside of the brooder. I don't know what happened. I think he jumped out and got too cold, as there were no injuries on the body that we could see. Our brooder right now is a Rubbermaid tub. I have a real large wood brooder with a lid, but it's being used right now by older, bigger chicks, and I didn't want the Serama to be beat around by the other chicks. Stormy showed no signs of being able to fly before, so it was really shocking. All of my birds are in the shop, so if I would have been home, he probably would be here right now... And then there's Raine. She's chirping in distress, all alone, looking for Stormy. I do have other chicks, like I said before, but they are LF, and my only other bantams are fully feathered. I'm so shocked about this whole thing still.
Awww, condolences. He was a beautiful bird, and I could tell you loved him.
So you think s/he would be okay with 13 week old Cochin bantams (they have always been really friendly to other chicks, so I'm not too worried about them). 3, probably 2 1/2 week old feed store chicks and 1 LF 7 week old cockerel? I am getting rid of the feed store chicks and the cockerel soon, probably sometime this week.

Mine are in with these ugly things

and these cute ones and doing ok, lol. So maybe, and it would be lots easier that dealing with a lonely chick if it works. Maybe put one cochin in with her, and if that works try putting them all together.

So you think s/he would be okay with 13 week old Cochin bantams (they have always been really friendly to other chicks, so I'm not too worried about them). 3, probably 2 1/2 week old feed store chicks and 1 LF 7 week old cockerel? I am getting rid of the feed store chicks and the cockerel soon, probably sometime this week.
be careful with it though. At that age, the cochins will have established peck order, and the serama may upset it.
Toy Boys is getting prettier by the day! Showing all kinds of different colors on his back now.

Geeze that Toy Boy is a little terror! All the laying hens and turkeys are free ranged and the Seramas have a nice large coop. Toy Boy accidently got out while giving his flock a treat and went bowling after the big roosters with out a "how dee do" I was able to catch him before the big boys thruddled him. They were so shocked with this peanut coming at them!
I had to the other day put up a board to block him and my turkey "yes a turkey" from fighting through the wire. That turkey could have squashed him with a well placed foot!

Guess I won't be letting the Seramas free range with the other chickens. Does anyone free range their Seramas? Seems they would be more likely to be taken by preditors. That is if the preditors would be brave enough! They might get their toes bitten off!
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Fuzzybird: I have two seramas that free range with my turkeys, OEGBs, and layer hens. They get a long fine. They can fit thru the hole in the fence, and usually spend their time on the other side of the yard, but slide back under to go into the coop with everyone at night.

BantyChickenLuv: I'm so sorry to hear about Stormy. Total bummer... even worse when you've named them, and gotten attached. A stuffed animal, and a mirror is helpful if you decide to raise little Raine by herself. I've had to raise singletons several times now. At least she's past those critical first two weeks. I would be a little concerned with larger, older chicks. If they all hatch together, thats a bit different, I've raised seramas with guinea fowl before, but they all hatched together. It was no problem. I've put day old Orps with 4 weeks old seramas, and they were okay too for quite a while. But going to larger/older, you may have to watch really closely.

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