American serama thread!

Yikes. Only a Viking chick can make it through that. How's she doing?
She is doing really well. I few hours ago I brought her home, and put her in with some standard sized day old chicks. Even though she's just a few hours old, she's up and running around. She put her little wings out for balance, and running on her tiny little legs, she ran up to the big girls. They all ran terrified and cowered in the corner:rolleyes: While they were hiding, she went over and got herself a drink, and finally the big girls made their way over to her. Now they are all snuggling under the heat lamp. When I go over to them, she jumps up and runs over to me. She is a sweetie, and is doing really well. I'll let you know how she is in the morning. She's the tiniest chick I've ever seen, and I've hatched a few Seramas before. I'm disgusted with the power outage. Of course it happened when I had shipped eggs I REALLY wanted to hatch in there. But, I did get a baby, and she's a sweet one:love Here she is playing in the food Still in the food Being cute:love By the water and a GIANT chick She's so tiny:love @Ra_ any idea what colour she will be based off of her pattern now?
Oh my goodness!!! Such a sweetheart!!!! Such a fighter!!! She needs a strong fighter name!!!!
Haha yeah, that's a California White...biggest baby I've ever seen

I am taking name suggestions for her! Tomorrow she'll be completely dried off and I'll get out with the good camera and take some decent pics :-D

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