American serama thread!

My point is that you should not represent a group as a whole based on your opinion instead of fact. Shame on you. To be proud that you "killed" a club on the west coast and publicly boasting about it on a chicken information website is exactly the reason why there is such divide in the serama community!!!! You make it more about you and your opinion when it comes to culling and your hatred of certain individuals... and I quote "pretty much killed ASA on the west coast. I did good. U ask Dianne Brewer about me......." There are so many wonderful birds in the ASA, SCNA and Serama USA. I don't need to attack individuals of certain clubs or brag and name drop to prove a point or breed and show quality birds in all groups. I enjoy the beauty of the breed through all of the groups eyes. If you were sick of seeing people boasting about killing their trash, why did you not just block the individuals that were doing it instead of being proud of being "the demise" of a club. It is what is wrong in the Serama world, politics, religion etc..... Because you have a different opinion than someone else does not make it right or wrong, better or worse. You stated in your original post to stay away from the ASA because they cull heavily. I am a member of ASA and I do not cull for reasons other than health. You did not say it was because they brag about it. And if they did brag about it, I believe that is what we call freedom of speech. I do not know Jerry personally, nor do I know Dianna, however I am pretty sure that Jerry has culled birds and so has Dianne. I do not believe that anywhere in the ASA or SCNA or Serama USA rules or guidelines is there a rule about culling or speaking of it. By speaking of individuals directly, I can see your anger is more focused on people and politics and less on what you truly state the real "problem" is (culling). I wish you peace in whatever situation is that is causing you such hostility regarless and leave you with this final thought.
MY GOODNESS such anger! I ONLY said to ASK Dianne about me..THAT IS ALL! She will tell U I am a troublemaker prolly. IF you have breed for a few years are still get 90%+ culls, you should STOP! and figure out what is wrong...BECAUSE if you are breeding for SQ and still getting that many culls..somthings wrong I will believe ASA & SCNA have come together once I see the proof at the show.
WooooHooo!!! This is supposed to be a discussion site on's great that we all have opinions....that is human nature and every one has a right to them...but let's not get into "Pissing Matches" because we don't agree with each other's practices. Yes! Some people Cull the birds they don't want...some dog breeders "Cull" unwanted puppies...yes! they kill them! It happens in many breeding programs, for all sorts of animals...I don't agree with it...but as far as I know, It's not against the law...I apologize if I have gave in to the temptation to vent my opinion on someone else...I truly do apologize. I really try to be the person my chickens think I am...Oh! That's right! Chickens don't "Think" ....oops! There I go's not easy...but I want to learn about the Seramas,have fun and meet others who own them. Not argue. And once again I am sorry if this entry upsets some...
A note on Jerry....Doesn't matter if he does or doesn't, but I think he feeds the gators mostly with birds that have real problems. He started a great Facebook group called Pet Serama Marketplace. It's for people trying to sell or give away birds that are only pet quality. (And I've seen some really good looking birds on there....) I've also seen him send his retired birds to people to keep as pets for the duration of their life. Just saying...all his culls are not gator food.
Its just amazing how people get SO riled up over a few words... All I did was state facts AND my own opinions.

I AM lucky enough to live where there I have had the opportunety of meeting many breeders/judges a etc etc of seramas AND have gotten to understand how TT works for ASA SCNA and Serama USA.
I have a very diverse knowledge on them...
Its just amazing how people get SO riled up over a few words... All I did was state facts AND my own opinions.

I AM lucky enough to live where there I have had the opportunety of meeting many breeders/judges a etc etc of seramas AND have gotten to understand how TT works for ASA SCNA and Serama USA.
I have a very diverse knowledge on them...
"MY GOODNESS such anger! I ONLY said to ASK Dianne about me..THAT IS ALL! She will tell U I am a troublemaker prolly. IF you have breed for a few years are still get 90%+ culls, you should STOP! and figure out what is wrong...BECAUSE if you are breeding for SQ and still getting that many culls..somthings wrong
I will believe ASA & SCNA have come together once I see the proof at the show."


I was the California State Rep for ASA (went to every TT SHOW in CA) for 4 years and I got SICK of seeing posts about publicly anounncing I have culled/killed all my trash and not wanting to rehome any less than perfect birds I was fed up and sick of that. I did not want to represent a bunch of people that PUBLICLY BOASTED about killing. What you do at your OWN HOUSE is private When U PUBLICLY say it it is no longer private. I PUBLICLY announced my resignation for these very reasons. and pretty much KILLED ASA on the west coast. I did good.
U ask Dianne Brewer about me....."

These are your words-not mine! You told people in your post to stay away from ASA because their members cull heavily. Then you said it was because they boasted about it. Then you boasted "I did good" by "killing" ASA on the west coast." I just want to know why you have such hatred toward ASA that it would drive you to misrepresent and attempt to bash them in such a way that someone new to seramas might pass up a chance to obtain a nice quality bird because of group affiliation. I am positive that breeders in all 3 groups cull heavily. It is your choice whether or not to purchase from that breeder. But all groups are open and all are free to join if they agree to the rules and regulations.

I invite you to Lima Ohio on 3/18 to see me show in both ASA and SCNA shows. Without anger, hatred or politics. I am there for my birds, learning and most of all fun with chickens & their owners.

Regarding my background & my culls, I have only been breeding since July with younger birds. I did not start with the experience or stock that breeders for many years have. I am passionate about my birds and only select the best of the best. I made an investment and added some very nice birds from reputable breeders around Christmas when I learned how much I enjoyed the breed and showing. I am proud to have many of my birds from Bill Patterson and Laureen Stanford and several from Bobby Clampitt and Edgar Mongold. I one day hope to reach their level of excellence and serama standards they have so graciously taught me and am very thankful to have them as my mentors.
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So..Did someone pee in your cheerio's this week or are you always this loveable?

I can not understand why you are trolling this thread when you obviously hate the breed. didn't answer the question...ill take that as a yes and im not trolling but you people can think whatever you want seems ill be killing the rest as they don't sell and im not feeding them anymore im staying away from button quail and seramas as yous are all prolly inbreeding them so im out this thread is useless to me ill post a video on my yt if anyone wants to see a serama processing!
For anyone who wants a different topic, This is Helena! I got her from Pixie Chickens last year and she has the most amazing grey eyes. Has anyone else here ever had a serama with grey eyes?

I haven't bred her yet but might set some of her eggs soon. Have her with a splash boy at the moment. I want to hatch from her before she's too old to lay (I think she's already around 3 yr old) but already have a lot of birds. Anyway, I wonder what chances are that any of her offspring will have grey eyes. Pics of her parents looked like they had not red eyes but hard to tell exactly what color they were.

I could ask the breeder but it's fun to speculate and I think I'm looking forward to the surprise of it when I finally hatch from her.

WooooHooo!!! This is supposed to be a discussion site on's great that we all have opinions....that is human nature and every one has a right to them...but let's not get into "Pissing Matches" because we don't agree with each other's practices. Yes! Some people Cull the birds they don't want...some dog breeders "Cull" unwanted puppies...yes! they kill them! It happens in many breeding programs, for all sorts of animals...I don't agree with it...but as far as I know, It's not against the law...I apologize if I have gave in to the temptation to vent my opinion on someone else...I truly do apologize. I really try to be the person my chickens think I am...Oh! That's right! Chickens don't "Think" ....oops! There I go's not easy...but I want to learn about the Seramas,have fun and meet others who own them. Not argue. And once again I am sorry if this entry upsets some...
you didn't do anything. Being in Michigan you have access to many wonderful local breeders. I just believe there is a line between fact and opinion and that the ASA was grossly misrepresented because of someones personal vendetta against a group.
For anyone who wants a different topic, This is Helena! I got her from Pixie Chickens last year and she has the most amazing grey eyes. Has anyone else here ever had a serama with grey eyes?

I haven't bred her yet but might set some of her eggs soon. Have her with a splash boy at the moment. I want to hatch from her before she's too old to lay (I think she's already around 3 yr old) but already have a lot of birds. Anyway, I wonder what chances are that any of her offspring will have grey eyes. Pics of her parents looked like they had not red eyes but hard to tell exactly what color they were.

I could ask the breeder but it's fun to speculate and I think I'm looking forward to the surprise of it when I finally hatch from her.

Very Pretty!
For anyone who wants a different topic, This is Helena! I got her from Pixie Chickens last year and she has the most amazing grey eyes. Has anyone else here ever had a serama with grey eyes?

I haven't bred her yet but might set some of her eggs soon. Have her with a splash boy at the moment. I want to hatch from her before she's too old to lay (I think she's already around 3 yr old) but already have a lot of birds. Anyway, I wonder what chances are that any of her offspring will have grey eyes. Pics of her parents looked like they had not red eyes but hard to tell exactly what color they were.

I could ask the breeder but it's fun to speculate and I think I'm looking forward to the surprise of it when I finally hatch from her.

Interesting! I have never looked to see what colors my blues eyes were! Now I want to go check!!! Very pretty in contrast to her bright red comb!

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