American serama thread!

thanks for the color code lol i think i will be asking a lot of ? on here lol please bear with the newbe

no problem i love to help when i can i use to be on here all the time but since BYC changed i hate it and i just lurk in the back ground now but lots of great peeps on here for sure all good folks and helpful enjoy your birds anything i can do for you just ask ok .
It stinks! I miss the old forum and peeps. im on facebook now yaking to serama peeps there.

no problem i love to help when i can i use to be on here all the time but since BYC changed i hate it and i just lurk in the back ground now but lots of great peeps on here for sure all good folks and helpful enjoy your birds anything i can do for you just ask ok .
It stinks! I miss the old forum and peeps. im on facebook now yaking to serama peeps there.

that goes for all my friends on here . i'm still around just not posting much any more if you need me you know where to find me !!!!!! just yell real loud !

no problem i love to help when i can i use to be on here all the time but since BYC changed i hate it and i just lurk in the back ground now but lots of great peeps on here for sure all good folks and helpful enjoy your birds anything i can do for you just ask ok .
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My broody hen hatched 3 babies, and one hatched in the incubator on the same day, so I stuck it under her too. So I have 4 new fuzzies!!!!

One looks like it will be white mottled, one is an orange-rust color, and the last two are like the one pictured, sort of brownish/yellowish.

Sorry for the glare, mom and chicks are in my 60 gallon aquarium. Talk about Brooder TV!!!!


It stinks! I miss the old forum and peeps. im on facebook now yaking to serama peeps there.

I agree....I hate this new format. I guess there's no complaint department and nobody cares what I think anyway, but its slower than my old dial-up and I don't have the time to read some of the threads that I used to follow. Just not enough time.
I had to get a different pc because my old one would not work with it and now I am having to get a new phone also so I can reply to messages on my blackberry. I think I will wait on that.

I agree....I hate this new format. I guess there's no complaint department and nobody cares what I think anyway, but its slower than my old dial-up and I don't have the time to read some of the threads that I used to follow. Just not enough time.

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