**Americana show! ** ( Easter Egg breed )

They are so beautiful! I love the way your dog wont hurt your chickens! So sweet!

Thank you!! :)

Actually, Lucy (dog) was very upset that Maxine (chick) was out of the brooder. Wish I would have had a video cam instead of just the camera, because she ended up nudging Maxine back to the brooder. I had to share the picture below, because it is so cute. Lucy thinks that she is the chicken mama. She is always outside with our girls when they free-range. When they were just chicks, she would sleep at night just outside the brooder and put her paws and head up over the edge to check on them:

And she goes out and searches for the blueberries I throw out in the yard for the girls. She definitely protects her girls!

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That def an amazing dog!! My dogs dont have much to do with my chickens, Whisper, my bigger dog, snatches the treats I give to my girls, like once I made them a feed block with molases, and she scared the girls away and took their treat! Lucy sounds like a great guardian for your chickens!
Here are some of my new EE chicks just hatching today

They are so cute! I remember when my girls were that small!
First picture is of "Pretty Boy" he is a Barred champagne/silver wheaton rooster. Second picture is of Rowyn a silver duckwing rooster and his columbian colored hen Lillianne. Third picture is of Mipsy a blue hen with orange lacing and her pale dandy a golden hen.




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