Americauna Crowing Hen or Rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 13, 2012
Boise Idaho
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I was snuggled in bed this morning cuddled up to my 2 month old little girl when out of the blue I heard something odd from the coop. We live in the city and cant have a rooster. We have two 3 month old Americauna pullets that are roaming free in the back yard and I thought 'Oh NO!' one must be a Roo! When I rushed outside to see where all the clammering was coming from at 5:30am the 2 little pullets where snuggled up to one another in their box. It was my 3 year old daughters 5 month old Americauna 'Berry' our lap chicken. She (or so we thought) had her beak pointed to the sky cock-a-doodle-dooing! 'Berry' had never cock-a-doodle-dooed till today. Can a hen do that? Or am I going to just have to face the fact that this chicken will not be laying any colored eggs?[/FONT]

OH POOP! My little girl is going to be so upset :( She has raised this .... guy. He is so tame he sits on our laps. I wonder why the other girls in the coop are so mean to him?
Is it safe to assume that 'Black Head' my daughters other Americauna is a Roo as well? We purchased these two after one of her others tragically met my inlaws dog. They as well where "sexed" when we got them. Geesh! I am not having luck with this breed! If it is in fact a Roo that might explain why Berry chases it around trying to peck its eyes out.

You have Easter Eggers, and yes, the one in the first pic is a roo.

The second looks to be one as well. Sorry!
That is it! NO more buying birds from Craigslist! Is this a breed that is harder to sex then others? I was told that Silkies are hard to sex however I purchased three 6 week old chicks from a man in town who rubbed the combs and sexed them. They all turned out to be hens just as he said. I re-homed them after they got broody.... all 3 of them at the same time. The girls have to earn their keep around here.
The Americauna's? I purchased two sets of 2. Out of the first 2 only 'Berry' survived. He is the very pretty, VERY tame one in the first photos. I got him from a lady that had him delivered to me from Hammett Idaho. I paid $4 each for them. The 2nd set of 2 'Black Head' and 'White Head' I paid $6 each for. The lady I purchased them from said she ordered them pre-sexed and had to order 20 at a time. I have white eggs and brown eggs. I REALLY wanted a splash of color!
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