Ammo Display At the Bank!

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I wouldn't think much of it if I were to see a display like that in my local bank. I guess I just have a high comfort level around guns. But of course I am carrying every time that I go into a bank.

Now if they had a book sale and one of the books was title "The idiots guide to robbing banks." then I would find that humorous.
I have a couple friends in SoCal, and what we can do out here regarding raising kids, firearms laws, riding around in farm trucks that never leave property, no exhaust system, mud tires ripping up the bog, the joke of rules our Ag system has, and the Michigan Right to Farm Act.

It feels normal for me, but she thinks I'm the crazy one
oh yeah, and what you can get property wise vs. what you get in SoCal or central Cal... big diff

I'm always amused at threads that point out what many of us take for granted, as funny.

We used to have a pawn shop next to a bank in the strip mall in the nearby town.. it advertised GUNS N AMMO

I never thought it was funny till somebody pointed out that that pawn shop must be a revolving door... buy the guns n ammo, hold up the bank, sell the gun back to the pawn shop, carry on
I wouldn't connect a display for the local gunshop with bank robberies any more than I'd think that a display for the local car dealership was saying "Buy your get-away vehicle here!"

There were some banks that have given away guns to customers who opened large accounts. Sure beats a toaster.
Oh I know, but some of my more liberal gun fearing friends made that connection and i had to laugh!!!!!
Sorry Laurajean, I have to agree with Steve, this is just a small sample of your digs...there are many more in your other thread.
If you really want to be truely excepted by the people you live around, it is best not to make jest of their way of living....even if it seens funny to you, they may take it as you are making fun of them and believe yourself as above such small town behaviour.
Well, I guess that's what makes the world go 'round, all of us having different experiences. For me, I had never seen a display like that in a bank, so I personally got a kick out of it. But apparently there's lots of that out there. As far as the guns being given away with new bank accounts, I recall a documentary pointing out the humor in it. Some people do see that as ironic and funny but I respect that not all of you do. It gave me a giggle, that's all. It was just meant as a light hearted story, I wasn't trying to make any anti gun statements or anything.
Okay, take it the blunt way, then. You have ridiculed and criticized the town and it's townspeople non-stop. You are judging them based upon your own perceptions, which you assume are superior and correct.

Try being NICE to people instead of judging them. I love your sense of humor, it's the application of it I have a problem with. Try to write amusingly without putting down the subject of the story, it will really help if you lift the negativity off your back.

It IS funny seeing that in the bank, kind of like here, where the vultures sit on the sign in front of the funeral home. Black humor is great, but yours has some bitterness in it.
I said nothing about the gun humour...that is kind of is the digs about the people that are inappropriate.
Okay, take it the blunt way, then. You have ridiculed and criticized the town and it's townspeople non-stop. You are judging them based upon your own perceptions, which you assume are superior and correct.

Try being NICE to people instead of judging them. I love your sense of humor, it's the application of it I have a problem with. Try to write amusingly without putting down the subject of the story, it will really help if you lift the negativity off your back.

It IS funny seeing that in the bank, kind of like here, where the vultures sit on the sign in front of the funeral home. Black humor is great, but yours has some bitterness in it.

You said to try being nice to people instead of judging them. I have never been anything but nice and respectful to everyone around here. I have never said an unkind word or even given a less than friendly look, ever. Even to the ones that make up lies about me, I just smile and wave, in a down to earth way. I don't see where I am "judging" them so much as describing them. You won't read where I say things like "this person is a bad person, or a thief or a liar", etc. I am just describing the scene and one can draw their own conclusions. If your conclusion is that it's offensive, so be it. Yet others think it's amusing and can relate. I don't write mean things about people. If you really read my threads I just describe their crazy antics in a way that is INTENDED to be humorous.

Has anyone ever read the Egg & I, by Betty MacDonald? Same type of stuff. The whole book is about the oddities of her small town life and neighbors. No one is identified, and it's a classic and very funny book.

It seems odd that I am getting accused of being mean, when I haven't really said anything mean. I don't name call, I don't identify anyone, I don't say anything untrue. I just describe what I see, and yes, based on MY perceptions. I do not think of that as superior or correct however, my thread is just a bunch of stories based on my perceptions. So what?
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