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I've got a cabinet full of guns, some of which I'm not even sure are still legal to possess. You can call me stupid, or dumb, or an anti-gunner all you're wrong on all counts.

The most logical explanation for what's causing the run on ammo is fear, plain and simple.

Frankly, your own irrationality and inability to explain your position does nothing but support my hypothesis..
I've sold Firearms and ammo for 18.5 years and I can tell you that We've had "conflicts" or wars going on steady for over a Decade and the manufacturers have still been able to provide to the public through all of it , with no Shortages. The variable that changed is the Administration and its promises of Change. During the election, Obama said he wouldn't take the guns away, He never ever said anything about ammo. So as cowboy said, the sheeple who wanted change are going to get it.... and they won't like it... and still they will wonder.

Another thing as a vendor is I order 1100 boxes a day, since the election and have gotten no more than 100 boxes combined into the store a WEEK ... Federal was shut down in the Twin cities on layoff half the winter, and that when they could be making record sales if they would just provide.... according to friends who work there in supervisory positions in production, they have had plenty of Raw materials to work with, the military orders are lower now than in the past. So something IS fishy.

And we are not a Democracy nor should we change into one, We are set up by our founding fathers to reject democracy and Remain a Republic.
Democracy is no more than 50-50 mob rule.
I'm with ya... Like I said before, I'm looking forward to all the clearance sales once people stop freaking out.
Ammo has been in short supply around here since way before Christmas. Guns are harder to find....It may be supply and demand making things harder to find...But maybe there is some truth to the change in government. I just don't trust it yet....Maybe the NEW Government will surprise us in a good way......But if all this comes to pass I do not want to be standing here with my mouth open catching flies..........
It is not to be blamed on the war. There has been no shortages of this kind in the 90 on the first one and then there were no shortages in the 2001.

I am a veteran and not saying I know best but you see things in a whole different way.

This was just to help people understand that they may want to get out there and get what they need. If you dont need then dont get.

I am glad to see someone that has been in the business for 18.5 yrs. spoke up. Thank you 330-trapper

And the change everyone is waiting for well if you are waiting for one person to change everything start holding your breathe. It takes more than one person it takes all people.

All I am doing is making it so that my family and I have are rights to shoot are firearms and go hunting.
I've got a cabinet full of guns, some of which I'm not even sure are still legal to possess. You can call me stupid, or dumb, or an anti-gunner all you're wrong on all counts.

The most logical explanation for what's causing the run on ammo is fear, plain and simple.

Frankly, your own irrationality and inability to explain your position does nothing but support my hypothesis..

Buddy, I aint gonna argue, it aint just about the ammo. I aint mad at the government for the ammo bein sold out, I'm mad about the reason there sold out. And it dont stop at just the gun/ammo junk, I aint a fan of where things are headed. I could explain myself til I'm blue in the face, but the fact is I choose not to cuz I aint wantin to get banned from the site for talkin politics to much. A comment probly wont get ya banned, a whole entire page might. So I'm walkin away.
Yes I heard it was because of Obama getting elected. Everyone always thinks the liberals will take the guns away. I can't really see that happening with all the lobbist, not to mention all the republicans that would go out to vote againt it.

I know ever since the election the NRA won't stop calling, they are driving me nuts. My husband's cousins and uncles all target and trap shoot. And everyone is going out and buying up all the ammo they can get there hands on so they have it just in case.

I personally hunt with a bow not a gun. But my husband got 2 deer last year during gun season and this is one of the ways we feed ourselves and kids. So I wouldn't want to see gun rights taken away. But I am an easy going person and I take a lets wait and see perspective on things. I don't usually panic and overreact. Things usually have a way of working out.
My son has friend who works in an ammo factory. He says they're working 60 hour weeks to try and keep up with sales. I still think stocking up makes sense. There are, however laws and pending bills in several states that limit the amount of ammo permitted to a private citizen. Here in MO, a poacher was arrested several years ago and one of the charges was that he was storing too much ammunition at his house. At least that was the report in our local paper. The guy was pretty sleazy, but that charge bothered me. He supposedly had 10,000 rounds. This was when the Republicans held the reins. I don't think our gov't has changed. It just has new names and faces.
I bought a box of .380 Auto today - at the only place in town that had any of this (I was told by another store). I asked why this particular ammo is in such short supply and was told by the clerk that the tooling, etc. used to make .380 auto is the same used to make 9mm, and that the military was needing a lot of 9mm, so that's why everyone's short on .380. I don't really know what to think, so I'm not believing anything 100% until I can verify.
There is no reason to make this a pissing match.

This was just to make people aware if some people were not. Yes this can get politcial but it is just to help people out.

And no I am not back track. It can turn bad or good. IF you get alot of ammo and nothing goes wrong then you can practice more and get better at shooting predators and pests. No harm no foul.
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