~An Endless chase~ A role play of Butterfly and Donut

Cashew peeled off the disgusting fruit, and jumped in a pool to wash off the juice. He went to find Donut and Joe, cause cashews go with donuts and coffee.
Cashew waved at Joe and dunked himself with coffee, but it all ran off and made him feel sticky, like when you try eating puppy chow with milk because it's like cereal. Or when you try washing butter off your hands, but all the water beads up on your hands, and feels sticky He shook himself off and offered his less sticky drawn on hand to Joe for him to shake.
Cashew waved at Joe and dunked himself with coffee, but it all ran off and made him feel sticky, like when you try eating puppy chow with milk because it's like cereal. Or when you try washing butter off your hands, but all the water beads up on your hands, and feels sticky He shook himself off and offered his less sticky drawn on hand to Joe for him to shake.
This is the truest statement ever to be spoken. O_O
Cashew waved at Joe and dunked himself with coffee, but it all ran off and made him feel sticky, like when you try eating puppy chow with milk because it's like cereal. Or when you try washing butter off your hands, but all the water beads up on your hands, and feels sticky He shook himself off and offered his less sticky drawn on hand to Joe for him to shake.
Which was his left hand.
Joe shook his hand and then said, "hai"
Cashew got some coffee stick on the porcelain. He tried shaking his hand out. He got a napkin and washed it, but there still was a sticky brown spot.

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