If you were to choose a hen strictly for their personality, which ones would you take home?

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Hi! I just have chicks now but I was with you... I wanted “pets” with a good personality, that would all get along, with a few eggs for eating.
My coop was already built so I was very lucky not to worry about that...

But I ended up with silkies (for being pets and to hatch out a few of my own from my layers in the coming years I hope), barred rock, golden comets, black Australorp, olive Eggers, and cream legbars.

They’re all known to be friendly, social, and not particularly dominant in a flock (so won’t pick on my silkies)
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Welcome :welcome Glad you decided to join us! I have a mixed flock. All of them are doing well here in Wisconsin. All are friendly, follow me around. One of my EEs is more outgoing than the other EE, Nugget is the smallest in the flock and the last one to approach me but she’s doing well and just doesn’t like being picked up. I have Speckled Sussex, Black Australorp, Barred Rock, EEs, GLW, Lavender Marans, Plymouth Rock . Had Salmon Faverolle 10 years ago, beautiful and sweet. I also had French Wheaten Marans. I don’t have experience with silkies or polish, a friend had some years ago as part of his mixed flock and did not recommend them for my setup. Hope some other chicken tenders here will share their experience

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