An Oddball

Hi, I'm Connie and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I am an oddball because I don't have any chickens. I did a search for eurasian ringneck doves sitting on empty nests. I'm trying to learn more about them and figure out what is happening. A pair built a nest atop a cage I keep on the patio for my parrot. They have been sitting for about three weeks. I have minimized going out there so as not to disturb them, but my laundry room is outside the main part of the house. I noticed today that neither bird was on the nest, so I thought it might be a good time to get a load of laundry I had washed about a week ago. I took a peak to see the eggs and found that there were none. Can anyone tell me what is happening?
Welcome to BYC! I’m sorry about the eggs! :(

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