An old Farmer told me this about why I got so many roos this year.....

Welp! I think I just figgered this out. <spit>...All this talk about the wisdom of the ancients and lore with only a single mention of Old Wives Tales. <pickin teeth> Now, I heard somewhere, (thinking) from an wife. Sex is determined by the "Loves me/Loves me not" method. While "doin the deed" a number of feathers get "she loves me, she loves me not" - "Make a Roo, Roo me not". Now all I gotta do is have one of my old wives to own up to comin up with it.

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Ahhhhhhh, Yes! The missing link. More roosters to protect against more predators. Mystery solved.

But more importantly ---- Davaroo, what do you think?

Doesn't matter much what I think. Each has his or her own mind.

I think we've proven that, right enough.
But it stands to reason what you say. Cause and effect, and all that.

"I think the point is that just because a bit of lore is old, doesn't necessarily mean that it is true or accurate. I know I have much to learn from those older and more experienced than myself regarding chickens. I am thrilled that there is a place like BYC where I can read about all things chicken related. However, I want to know that what I am doing is based on fact."
I couldn't have said it better, even for having mismanaged my chance to do so.
Risking redundancy, let me say again that all old knowledge is not useless, trivial or invalid. Far from it, much of it is proven, de facto if you will.
And some of it is suspect.

It is up to you to determine the difference. And when in doubt, ask an old wife.
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Hey there might be something to this. I have one friend who has alot of Orps, and she has like 70 cockerels outta 100 in one pen, and 65 or so in another pen which has a hundred. I had 2 different people write me here saying the same thing. One guy Jim H said he bought 15 BO's and all but 2 or 3 were cockerels.
Instead of being happy this year by dodging this cockerel swarm. Somehow I am buttin heads with a far greater force. Not a Stars Wars type of force, but even more powerful. I am actually wanting cockerels for my Orp girls. And thanks to the POKER GOD, the only GOD that seems to ruin my every move, have blessed me with one cockerel outta 6 Orps in one cage, 2 outta 7 in another cage. It seems that this year has been a wacky one for me too. I hope that farmer blesses me next year with pullets. By then I should have many to choose from.
I honestly didn't read all the pages on this, so if the stuff I say is a repeat...sorry......

I have heard similar stuff reguard 7 year 'itch' type of thing......

male to female ratio
good crop bad crop ratio

7 years good, 7 years bad, repeat
7 years more females, 7 years more males repeat....

isn't the chinese calendar based on 7 years also??? ( I might be wrong on that, but I thought it was)....

when is 'the year of the rooster???' would be kinda interesting to know if there actually are MORE roosters hatched that year.....

I don't know how 'true' any of it is, but like I said, I have heard similar things reguarding 7 years...blah blah blah.....
We got bantam cochin eggs in EggBid in January. Of the 20 eggs we got 11 hatched - of the 11 two died in a water bowl accident, of the 9 remaining only TWO were hens. No kidding.
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