Ancona Chicken Thread

BG, those chicks are exceedingly cute! I think it is the generous yellow against the black! Adorable!

Yellow house! PICTURES! :D

You have made me so happy! They are marvelous!
I have one Ancona hen. The rest of my flock are different breeds. Her name is Atilla the Hen but Tilli for short. She is so quiet and friendly! I have had her since she was a day old and when she was about 2 weeks old she got really sick. We actually thought she as going to die but she made a sudden recovery and now is a very very fast runner. She was shy at first but not too long ago I cutting some wire to make the internal for their night to day pen. I was sitting on the ground and she came up to me, so I patted her out of habit then carried on. Then what do you know? She helps herself to my lap!! Who needs a lap dog when you have a lap chicken.

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I have enjoyed reading through this thread! We are on our first flock if backyard chickens and accepted one Ancona as a last minute substitution. I was just looking for a unique but productive layer. Boy am I glad we got one because at 9 weeks she is quickly becoming my favorite (pic with my daughter is my avatar). Very outgoing, always the first to greet me when I open the coop. She is also adventurous which makes me a little nervous, but there aren't many predators around my house and we will have a secure run. Happy I discovered this breed and this thread.

Two RC Ancona chicks hatched this weekend. Won a dozen eggs at the Mother Earth News Fair in Puyallup at the beginning of the month. Only two were fertile but they both hatched!
Hello, That is wonderful, Do You remember who had the eggs at the fair? I have them also from Yellowhouse, super healthy....They are wonderful, lay like crazy, very self sufficient when allowed to free range and are so beautiful. Nice to know of someone else in Washington that has them....eliz
Hello, That is wonderful, Do You remember who had the eggs at the fair? I have them also from Yellowhouse, super healthy....They are wonderful, lay like crazy, very self sufficient when allowed to free range and are so beautiful. Nice to know of someone else in Washington that has them....eliz

Sorry I missed this, had a surgery a couple days ago and haven't been paying as much attention as usual to the forum. I replied to the PM though.

Small world, I had talked to YHF because you mentioned on the carton that that's where the parent stock came from and I didn't know you were on here.

Hopefully will have more to contribute as time goes on, really a huge fan of the Mediterranean breeds so will give them a good shot.

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