Ancona ducklings..I'm in love :)


6 Years
May 5, 2016
Orange county NY
I received 4 baby anconas in my surprise box from cackle hatchery on Thursday and I'm over the moon for these little ones.

I never dreamed I'd love them or any duck for that matter.
Better than that, My DH, who doesn't enjoy chickens, loves them too!!!
Yesterday he built them a 3ft by 5ft brooder.

They are currently living in the back room of our house and I can't stop staring at them. lol.
They have a momma heating pad which they only go in at night. They snuggle up to each other and sleep in the deep bed pine shavings.

I put their water dish inside a large, shallow, rubber animal bowl from tsc. I put pine shavings in the tsc bowl so it is just lower than their water bowl. I float an empty gallon milk jug in the water bowl so they can't climb in and get all wet. The tsc bowl keeps the drip and splash out of the rest of their bedding.

off to Walmart to buy brewers yeast.
Have any pictures? We love pictures, haha

You seem to have a nice brooder set up, too. Congratulations on your new babies!
Would love to see pics of your precious ducklings. I have Anconas that are nearly a year old. Sable (my female) has been laying eggs but it looks like my drakes are not yet fertilizing. Nor is she broody. I keep hoping that soon she will start to sit on her eggs (I have been taking them up until recently due to the crazy weather we have been having here in VA.
Oh. My. Goodness! Those are absolutely adorable!!!!!!! Those widdle speckled bills!!!!!!!! I want to reach through and steal them for me!!!!!!

Great. Now I'm going to have to add Anconas to the "Ducks Breeds I Can't Live Without Owning" list. My husband isn't going to let me come on here anymore, you know.
Anyone with anconas for sale lemme know. My son is raising them and would love to add some new ducks to our gene pool. He's actually getting ready to start up the incubator in the next day or two so should have some for sale soon if anyone else is interested here in Colorado. Never shipped before but I'm sure we could make it happen. thanks!
Thanks everyone!

seusiii, wow they are huge at 4 weeks! And adorable

Ashley Marie, a surprise box is what's ever leftover at the end of the day at cackle hatchery. They put all kinds of chickens in a box. Some times ducks, and turkeys.
I got lucky.

I would post pictures but for some reason I can't get them to up load.
I will keep trying.
Thanks everyone!

seusiii, wow they are huge at 4 weeks!  And adorable :love

Ashley Marie, a surprise box is what's ever leftover at the end of the day at cackle hatchery. They put all kinds of chickens in a box.  Some times ducks, and  turkeys. 
I got lucky.

I would post pictures but for some reason I can't get them to up load.:barnie  I will keep trying.

Super cool

Yes keep trying for pics! We thrive on duckling pictures around here....

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