Ancona --- she or he?


8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
Hi! We have 9 pullet chicks that are anywhere between 5 days and almost a month old. I am thinking so far that they are all pullets, but am getting curious about our Ancona. I have this feeling she is a he! According to some pictures I've seen, this breed does tend to have larger combs. I don't have another Ancona to compare to, so let me know what you think! Thank you!


I forgot to mention that she is 31/2 weeks old in this picture --- it was her first time outside, so she looks a little scared. We had an 80 degree day yesterday, so we had a little field trip outside
Was it sold as straight run? I just went to check my Ancona. Here are pics of my "sexed to be a pullet" at about the same age. They do have larger combs than many other breeds, as does my brown leghorn (who we thought would be a boy) and my Blue Andalusian (who is also sexed to be a girl but I don't know for sure yet) hope this gives you a reference for comparison.



Thanks for the pictures for comparison! Yeah, she definitely has a small comb --- yours doesn't seem like she has a comb at all! I love that black spot on her beak/face

She was sold as a pullet. We'll see! We do have a friend that wants a rooster, so this could work out... though I would be sad to see her go!

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