And I repeat....I'm not a builder! It is finished!


The Crazy Chicken Lady
Apr 22, 2008
upstate SC
But I thought I needed to build a swanky new tractor for my beautiful white Araucanas so off I went.
I didn't bang my thumb as much this time and I had several drills with different attachments so it has gone faster but still, I haven't squared anything.
DH just laughs at me as he is building his "so perfect!"
I still have a few things to finish on this one but I thought I would go ahead with the pix to let you see where I have gotten in a short time. And I must say, though I haven't done a much better job on this one, I did learn a lot from the last big red contraption I built.
Hey, like the colors?


I attached what I thought would be the frame. Oh, it looks easy enough on paper but I knew not to be fooled by that!


I started putting it all together. The chickens learned a few new choice words. It just can't be easy, can it?

Ran out of yellow paint and had to use the stuff left over from the house shutters. Hey, I think it looks okay together. I really did not want to drive back into town for more yellow paint!


I thought I did pretty good by using the scrap pieces as wedge placements. It made it a bit more sturdy.


I put the roost in the middle. That way I could put the food near the door and the nest box at the back.
Really, now do you see a pattern where I don't build things well. Even with plans!


I wanted a half door so I could open it and not have to reach in too far. I am short and didn't want a door on the end where I may have to crawl halfway through this thing.


It is approximately 10 ft long and 4 ft wide. I wanted to use skids but mine didn't turn out very well. Though when it was only a fame I was able to push it around very easily!
I plan to put hardware cloth on it and the PVC corrugated roofing across the coop top and most of the run top. Two sheets look like it will do it.


I need to put a door on the side. I always forget that! And doors are really difficult for me.
Except this back door. It turned out well, I thought!




I was even able to put that vent in there! Okay, DH had to help with that just a tinny bit!
But look what I have done so far! It is so much fun!

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I really am not very good at building. I get ideas, they seem really good in my head and I can put them on paper okay but then when i start building nothing turns out like I actually planned.
Well, like this air flow vent I decided to allow at the top. It will be inside the wire run part and the PVC corrugated roofing will be over it so I figured it was okay to leave a big gap like that for some air circulation. The winters don't get very cold so I am not worried about heat loss overly much.

More photos to come!
I use a vent I bought at Lowe's for about $7. It has a little thumb tab to push it open on the inside but the outside the vents are sloped down so the rain will shed off.
Wasn't hard to install (with a bit of help from hubby) and 4 screws hold it in place. We did drill 2 extra holes because it only had two.
I really like it! There were many to chose from but this one seemed better for what I had in mind.
You're doing an excellent job. I don't have the guts to even try something like that by myself.
I do hope you plan to cover the vent gap you left with hardware cloth or something to keep the little critters out. Metal window screen works well, too.


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