...and they are still in my house

Go to walmart or target and buy one of these storage things and then a whole bag of zip ties.


Then make a quick cage. Ours is 3x4 and is a great option for growing out chicks.

Get the mess OUTSIDE ASAP!
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Ah. So happy to hear I am not alone. My chicks have a bedroom in the garage instead of the house, but the carrying of chicks in and out is starting to drive me nuts! I just wish I could blame dh. Unfortunately, it's my own fault. Darn coop construction!
I so understand your dilemma! I have 19 10wk olds in my basement and no matter what I do, it is such a dusty mess. We've had such a rainy, cold, and windy spring so far that we haven't been able to get anywhere on coop making. I told DH the other day we had better get moving on this soon or they'll be laying eggs down there before long and refuse to live outdoors. Lately, I've been taking them out when I can during the day just so they can realize that there if life beyond the basement. They go in our penned back yard and usually spend their time under the deck at the back of our house.
I brooded one batch of chicks in the house. Never again. I have some 4 week olds who have been in the coop since day one. Took the heat lamp down a couple of weeks ago when I found them sleeping as far away from it as they could get. Tonight I will put 4 more out there. They've been in a box on my DR table this afternoon, waiting til after dark so I can slip them under broodies. And if neither broody will take them, I'll just rig up the heat lamp again.
I had 12 welsummers in my laundry room last summer and the dust was impossible...I was still cleaning it up at Christmas time....it gets in places you would never think dust could go

I actually used a lysol wipe when I started my cleaning.. the dust was about 1/4 inch thick in some places!! If found the dust came up better if I used something damp. I think they even make cleaning cloths for wooden furniture now as well. We won't even talk about the floors and how many times I cleaned them till the shine came back!!

But don't worry you are definately not alone
I had the same issue and someone told me to cover their box with cheese cloth....I had them moved to the coop the minute it was done so I didn't get a chance to try it....I will next time though....anything to help...lol
I am going to join the "can't wait for the girls to get their own digs" club. I have 28 4 and 5 week olds in the master bathroom (which is, conveniently, gutted for a remodel that begins when they get out so extra motivation). We just got the brush and dirt piles cleared today!!!!
so we can begin coop construction this week.
I wish everyone the best of luck in getting your homes back!!! I will be doing all of my future brooding out in the coop (although having them inside has given me the chance to get to know them and vice versa).
All I can say is I'm glad I'm not alone with having chicks in my house
I still have some really young ones but I also have 10 Buff Orps and 3 barred rocks going on close to 10 weeks still in my living room (cause that's the only place we have) I'm so tired of dust and chick fluff I could
my hubby made so much progress yesterday! There is light at the end of the tunnel! I might be able to get these girls out of the house today or tomorrow! So excited! Coop pics to come and me with a big smile!

The guy at the feed store kinda insulted me when I wanted to get chicks beginning of April - "It's too cold in April, you should wait, how will you keep them warm?" -- I thought that guy was out of it, obviously I would keep them warm in my house until they can go out..... Wow was he right! Next time I will wait till May and they can go right to the coop - I will not raise birds in the house again!!!!
Uh huh, until you see that breed of chicks you always wanted at the feed store... I am building an insulated room in my barn. My bathroom still has wood shavings and dust from this winter, but the chicks are outside in the brooders. Yay! Progress is a wonderful thing.

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