And this is your username because...

I changed my username once. I posted, "How do I change my username from so-so to so-so?" Then somebody replied "All done!" and my username was changed. Go figure.
My username is what it is because that is what I am. I believe I was put on this earth to bring others to Him and by doing so bringing glory to His name.
. . . . So you'd lite yourself on fire for him?

Had to ask.
Thank you for asking
Fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and have a passion to serve Him. And yes, if it was the will of God, I would be a martyr for Him. "I want the world to know I burn for you"-Toby Mac
Hey, On Fire... If you met a person who isn't religious but tolerates all religions, what would you say to him/her?
What about someone who only tolerates religions who tolerate non-religious?
(and I mean tolerate, not "but I hope they turn to our side")

But, I don't want to continue talking Religion. On topic, my username is such because it is my name. Well, technically not my full first name, but what everyone calls me.
I would tell them the truth about myself. I do not believe in playing different personalities to fit in wherever I am. But as Illia said, this is getting off topic. If you would like to continue, please send me a PM. Thanks.
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Apologies for getting off topic, everyone.

Not quite sure if I've posted why my username is Ec_Prokta, but here it is again: Ec_Prokta is one of my favorite characters. She's a survey robot with an interest in fashion that just oh-so-happens to be the missing piece to the bomb guarded by the Chosen Ones that will bring about The End of the World as We Know It.

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