anger management

I always had a horrible temper growing up. I think it was something of a genetic whole side of the family is hot blooded. I'd rage and scream, throw things, fight and, if I couldn't win that way I found that cutting words were the best weapons of all. Granted, I'd feel better for a bit after a tantrum of that sort but then I'd eventually feel guilty. Then I met my husband. The man is the calmest, most rational creature I've ever met. Early in our marriage I would still throw these tantrums and instead of reacting he would just look at me like I was acting like a child. You could tell he was trying his best not to laugh. It really made me understand how ridiculous my overreactions were. I've learned a lot from him...namely that there is really no point in being mad most of the time. It is human to make mistakes and, unless someone is hurting themself or others, sometimes it is best just to let them be wrong. Being angry with someone really makes me physically uncomfortable. Now, if something needs to be said I say it in the most tactful way possible so that I don't have to brood over it, but if it something little (more unsolicited advice from my MIL, for example) I just shrug it off and go read a book, hang out outside or find the humour in the situation. I think laughter really is the best medicine most of the time!
Anger is a secondary emotion. It is caused by a perceived threat or fear, whether it be physical, mental or emotional. Pinpoint and confront the fear. For a lot of people it is a control issue, they need to be in control to feel safe on some level and anyone who disagree's with them is a threat. Basic Psychology 101. When you feel yourself starting to get mad, ask yourself what is REALLY bothering you. Will I lose face if I am proven wrong, will I no longer be in control of this situation, what affect does this issue that is making me angry have in the big scheme of things? It is o.k. to be wrong, people will still love and respect you. We love people not in spite of their faults but because of their faults.
how do you manage your anger? i scream into a pillow as long as i can as loud as i can.

I do the same thing!!!!!!
Sometimes, I just need my best friend in the whole world to hug me and my anger is gone with the wind.....

Well, this is quite an interesting topic.

My anger lies dormant for about 1-3 weeks and then some small thing (Someone forgetting something I asked them to do, loud noises, etc.) will cause me to snap and yell at everyone. Usually that period lasts for 6 hours to 2 days. Fun times, right?

During said period, I like to go to quiet, small places. This usually means my closet. Also, constant music. It helps a lot. And finally, what works best for me, is writing a happy story about nothing in particular. Bunnies having a party, Pinkie Pie babysitting, a loving family... Anything that's pure happiness works. It takes away the anger very quickly and easily.
I do a few things PK, yup, I remember who ya are kiddo.. I listen to Pantera, Korn, The Devil Wears Prada etc..... I go the the gun range and chop zombie targets in half.. Paper targets are fun, life size torso's are more so.

I learn a new life skill, one week canning meat, another week making fire. Life is circular, and no matter where I am at in the wheel I always come around.
I do a few things PK, yup, I remember who ya are kiddo.. I listen to Pantera, Korn, The Devil Wears Prada etc..... I go the the gun range and chop zombie targets in half.. Paper targets are fun, life size torso's are more so.

I learn a new life skill, one week canning meat, another week making fire. Life is circular, and no matter where I am at in the wheel I always come around.
Ah, Boyd!
It's been ages since I've seem you. :) How's life?

Zombie targets... Yet another reason to learn how to shoot. :p

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