Angry at the people in my life..


You can freeze eggs.
Break them, scramble and freeze.
hmm...I would be angry too, I suppose. We have 26 hens and one rooster that go through about 50 lbs. per week. You've got quite an investment with the 9+. When our hens started layiing more than we needed, we were desperate to get the eggs to someone that would enjoy them. We started taking our excess to the local farmer's market and after 2 weeks were selling all of our excess eggs (12-14 dozen) in about 10 minutes. We then started a list of individuals that wanted to reserve a certain amount per week, so we have regular customers now and a waiting list. I hope you can find a similar outlet in your area. We sell ours @ $2.50 per dozen - that's about what Walmart charges for 'free-range' brown eggs. People realize ours eggs are better and would probably be willing to pay more. At that rate, our hens pay for the feed and a little more. We consider the extra to go toward the investment we've made in the coop and for future chick purchases. Sadly, it seems that it's easier to deal with strangers than friends and family...more business-like, I suppose.

Pickled eggs with a slice of kielbasa on a saltine cracker... heaven.
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Not sure if you have alot of neighbors or not, but that is mostly who I sell to. When I first thought about chickens, all my husbands family (mine don't live close)were so excited about fresh eggs too. Well, only about half of those that "wanted them so badly" actually buy them. I have a family of 4, and I currently have 12 laying hens, so I get a fair amount of eggs. My neighbors caught wind that I was selling them, and have been consistant buyers since. My daughter mentioned it to her teacher, and now I sell to him too. I made them cheaper than buying the organic free range eggs, and just a hair more then the cheapies you can get at the store. So far, the hens are paying for their own feed. I've also noticed that it is the older people, many that grew up on farms, that really appreciate and buy them. Maybe if there is a Senior Center around, you could post a flyer. You can also post signs at your church, if you go, or place of work, if you do. Just take the sign down if you are running low. It's funny, because I didn't have eggs for a while, molting and worming, and my aunt is just chomping at the bit to get some of my eggs. She had to buy some at the store and said they don't even compare.
I love raising chickens, and I don't even eat eggs, lol! But my husband and kids do. Don't feel like you need to get rid of your girls, if you don't want to. And I agree, you can freeze them too. I also agree that going through 50lbs of feed is alot. I go through that in about a month as well. Good luck!
x2. I forgot about farmers market. Once people taste your eggs, they'll be back. Just need to get them started. When I first started selling, to family, they weren't very consistant. If my eggs started piling up, I would shoot them an email or text, saying "I've got plenty of eggs if anyone wants to buy". I think they just would forget to ask me, than just grab some while they were at the store. I don't need to remind them anymore

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