Animal abuse?!?

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I supplied materials from my scrap lumber masterpiece coop so they could build one, finally when I offered to help ( I did 75% of the work) we got a coop put up. I did the basic walls and told them they needed to do te rest like a floor in the coop and roosts etc, that still isnt done but its up and the birds have been in it for 2 months so cant do anything there.I am stopping all comunication with these people, today I got word that I am no longer to throw food in to their birds, that they are perfectly capable of feeding their birds. I was accused of stealing from them and that I am not to come on their property.. So back to plan A call the authorities..
You've already got a bad neighbor problem, so it doesn't matter what you do from here. Call the authorities. If the dog comes onto your property, catch it and call the local animal shelter to come pick it up. Can't make them dislike you more than they already do, so it's time to stop worrying about them and do what's right.

It sounds to me like you've done your absolute best to maintain peaceful relations with these folks. Time to give up that idea. And who knows? Sometimes nasty neighbors get what they deserve. My horrid neighbors that used to have loud parties at 3am on weeknights and shoot fireworks so they'd land on my barn roof and throw their scrap wood and trash into my pasture lost their house when the guy went to jail... couldn't have happened to nicer people, and karma can be a wicked mistress. Now we have a VERY sweet young couple living there. :)
Agreed! I really wish it was legal to slap people like this upside the head .. I dont understand how people can be so selfish and greedy. Never before in my life have I met people like them and never again do I want to come across people like them.
You've already got a bad neighbor problem, so it doesn't matter what you do from here. Call the authorities. If the dog comes onto your property, catch it and call the local animal shelter to come pick it up. Can't make them dislike you more than they already do, so it's time to stop worrying about them and do what's right.

It sounds to me like you've done your absolute best to maintain peaceful relations with these folks. Time to give up that idea. And who knows? Sometimes nasty neighbors get what they deserve. My horrid neighbors that used to have loud parties at 3am on weeknights and shoot fireworks so they'd land on my barn roof and throw their scrap wood and trash into my pasture lost their house when the guy went to jail... couldn't have happened to nicer people, and karma can be a wicked mistress. Now we have a VERY sweet young couple living there. :)

Oh that is very true. Karma will come and bite them in ....... well maybe sooner than later. Like I said they both have a trial coming up in a couple weeks for child abuse so it may be their time... You are right they cant dislike me anymore than they do already. I have to help the animals and the kids. I dont know if I could catch the dog before he grabed one of my birds. I always carry some kind of protection on me becuasse you never know what may pop out of the tree line after your birds. I dont want to use it on the dog but if I have no choice... Like I have seen on someones quote on here " a dog on his owners property is a pet. a dog on someone else's property is a predator" something to that nature.
Oh that is very true. Karma will come and bite them in ....... well maybe sooner than later. Like I said they both have a trial coming up in a couple weeks for child abuse so it may be their time... You are right they cant dislike me anymore than they do already. I have to help the animals and the kids. I dont know if I could catch the dog before he grabed one of my birds. I always carry some kind of protection on me becuasse you never know what may pop out of the tree line after your birds. I dont want to use it on the dog but if I have no choice... Like I have seen on someones quote on here " a dog on his owners property is a pet. a dog on someone else's property is a predator" something to that nature.

That quote--it's one of the mods on here. Can't remember who.

I've shot a neighbor's dog before. Cost him $700 to have the shot picked out of the dog's butt. He came storming over and called the sheriff. He was VERY angry when the sheriff told him that not only did I not break the law by shooting his dog, he owed me money for the lost birds. I didn't collect--the neighbor's vet bills seemed like enough to me. That dog was a sweet animal, but I shot it fair and square on my property with a bird in its mouth. That guy wasn't so bad, really. Just very upset about his beloved pet.

We also have a saying about shooting dogs--SSS. Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up. If you kill the animal, no need to EVER tell the owner where their dog went.

eta: Check the laws. Here in Ohio, outside of city limits, the law is on my side. I don't know the laws where you live. Cover your butt.
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That quote--it's one of the mods on here. Can't remember who.

I've shot a neighbor's dog before. Cost him $700 to have the shot picked out of the dog's butt. He came storming over and called the sheriff. He was VERY angry when the sheriff told him that not only did I not break the law by shooting his dog, he owed me money for the lost birds. I didn't collect--the neighbor's vet bills seemed like enough to me. That dog was a sweet animal, but I shot it fair and square on my property with a bird in its mouth. That guy wasn't so bad, really. Just very upset about his beloved pet.

We also have a saying about shooting dogs--SSS. Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up. If you kill the animal, no need to EVER tell the owner where their dog went.

eta: Check the laws. Here in Ohio, outside of city limits, the law is on my side. I don't know the laws where you live. Cover your butt.
Very nice love the SSS. I would want to stop the attack before it happened, dont know if that would be enough for me. I am always out there with my birds and when they let their dog out they are standing on the porch, he just doesnt listen to them and loves me so when he sees me he comes running. He has done that and chased after my cat 5 times in the last 6 months2 times he got ahold of her tail as she tried to run up the tree. Still they will not put him on a lead although I gave them one and it is hooked up in the front yard.
 No not at all, I bought my own new chicks to hopefully get them to learn from what I did with mine. All the birds were in the dog run together and before I went ans got my new birds I talked to them about it and told them we could raise them together and I could be there to help as I was tending to mine they could be there learning and they thought that was an excellent idea. Until they learned the work involved with tending to chickens. They stopped coming out to the dog run/ coop at all and when I asked if they were going to feed their birds this week they got angry and said I should be doing it since I was already going to be feeding my birds and I said no feeding their birds was their job and that is when they took the chickens back to the trailer.. I borrowed the dog run from a friend told him I would have it back in 2 weeks I informed the neigbors bout this agreement before I even picked the dog run up they said they would have a coop done in that amount of time no prob. I got mine done iin a few days..

Oh, Isee, that part was confusing to me too.

I do understand how you feel. It's heartbreaking and frustrating.
I think one thing that helps is remembering the birds, and forgetting about trying to get the neighbors to do the right thing. For instance, what does it matter who feeds them as long as they are fed.?
Maybe you can sneak hem some food, if not water when you go peak at them.
Maybe, after you let things cool offfor a while, you couldmake some sort.ofdeal with them to help with the "kids chores" 0n the weekends.
You might have more luck sympathizing with them about how inconvenient it can be, andofferringhelp rather than trying to teach them. You cant teach em out of laziness, goodness knows youve tried.
Maybe, if you get along with kids you might have better luck with them. They can understand animals being unhappy, and might like for theirs to be more friendly like yours.
Of course, there is always the opgion of the midnight rehoming raid, blame it on preditors. The adults would probably br glsd to be rid of them with out loosing face. ( just kidding, that would be illegal:
Oh, Isee, that part was confusing to me too.
I do understand how you feel. It's heartbreaking and frustrating.
I think one thing that helps is remembering the birds, and forgetting about trying to get the neighbors to do the right thing. For instance, what does it matter who feeds them as long as they are fed.?
Maybe you can sneak hem some food, if not water when you go peak at them.
Maybe, after you let things cool offfor a while, you couldmake some sort.ofdeal with them to help with the "kids chores" 0n the weekends.
You might have more luck sympathizing with them about how inconvenient it can be, andofferringhelp rather than trying to teach them. You cant teach em out of laziness, goodness knows youve tried.
Maybe, if you get along with kids you might have better luck with them. They can understand animals being unhappy, and might like for theirs to be more friendly like yours.
Of course, there is always the opgion of the midnight rehoming raid, blame it on preditors. The adults would probably br glsd to be rid of them with out loosing face. ( just kidding, that would be illegal:
The issue about who fed the birds was that I have lots of chores around my acreage that is a non stop daily process, they needed to be able to care for their birds not rely on me to do it when I have plenty on my own plate. That also will be the comment about offering to help on the weekends. Along with the fact that when I was helping I would be accused of taking their scratch or being lazy about helping since I didnt clean the coop while I was feeding. LOL right I am the lazy one. I have tried to help/instruct the kids but they got in trouble for doing the extra step of wiping the poo out of the waterer like I showed when they asked me. I took paper towels over when they asked what to do about the poo, I showed them to wipe it out and that it should be cleaned with soap and water ir at least washed under a faucet once in a while. So they got screamed at (I could hear it at my back door) for listening to me. So I am not helping. Those kids want to do right and try but they get in trouble when ever they offer anything new or different, they cant even spend any time with the birds because if they take too long they get in alot of trouble I hear the poor kids crying so I dont know what is happening. Its a mess really.. Plan A is my only option
Somehow I wrote my reply before id zeen many of the others. I completely agree with your planA also. I just noticed you are in Missouri! It sounfs a Lot like neighbors I had in Mo!
complete with the child abuse and their telling us to stay off their proprty. I.ll find out exactly who we calkedabout their dogbecause someone did actually respond
We werr worried about them taking revenge on Our animals,and went so far as to protect them with tripwire at night. Any authorities we called ( re their neglected dog, kids, calves,Turkeys,or about their illegal sewage dump ) were familiar with the family name and were respectful of our concerns for anonimity. I am all for a midnight rehoming raid, and blame it on preditirs. I also prefer taking a dog found on your property to a rescue as aa stray and Then shutting up. Bit thas just me, and of coursse those things would be illegal.
Please keep is updated, I.ll let you know who we called if I find out before
You get actioni avree gou are doing the right thing.
Seee! I'm not the only one who things taking them in the middle of the night is a great idea! Just grab them, leave the door open to the coop and maybe spread some loose feathers around and turn the feed and water dishes over! Problem solved. Hhahaha, but thats just me!
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