Animal abuse?!?

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wow, spineless huh? someone had already suggested calling some authorities so i was suggesting if that didn't work the other might. the thing i really liked about this website was that the people here seem nicer and don't do a lot of trolling or name calling or putting others down. guess i will cross this site off my list now.............
Don't let others put you off a wonderful and informative site. Some people are more ornery than others.And nice ones can be ornery on bad days. Not all humans will agree, that's when you Agree to Disagree.
Besides, anyone who insults you and you remove yourself from the situation will enjoy the fact that you're gone. You'll miss out on the long run.

I am glad the authorities will be doing something about these birds, honestly, If I lived way closer I would have been ninja thief.
It's fantastic that they're doing something about it right away. It's a small win, considering the poor dog and kids are still stuck there. But the chickens wont suffer anymore. Thanks for keeping us Updated!
wow, spineless huh? someone had already suggested calling some authorities so i was suggesting if that didnt work the other might. the thing i really liked about this website was that the people here seem nicer and dont do a lot of trolling or name calling or putting others down. guess i will cross this site off my list now.............
I Guess i missed a post ,
this site has been pretty cool so far do not let a bad apple put you off its fun here and it should be fun.
we just had a blow up on facebook for my breed of cats and im being accused because i was not on the list of allowing it .
truth is carma hit someone in the Back end and they deserved it .

will happen again Tammy
you could call the local news and let them and the viewers deal with it. or you could film it and put it up on youtube or reddit............when it goes viral something will happen.
This is the post we are talking about, and I am the spinless one??
wow, spineless huh? someone had already suggested calling some authorities so i was suggesting if that didnt work the other might. the thing i really liked about this website was that the people here seem nicer and dont do a lot of trolling or name calling or putting others down. guess i will cross this site off my list now.............
I'm sorry this is just not the way we deal with things. This in my opinion is wrong and completely 8th grade. I am a mom and this is not what I want my kids to learn. Now not everyone will ever share the same opinion as you.
I Guess i missed a post ,
this site has been pretty cool so far do not let a bad apple put you off its fun here and it should be fun.
we just had a blow up on facebook for my breed of cats and im being accused because i was not on the list of allowing it .
truth is carma hit someone in the Back end and they deserved it .

will happen again Tammy
Oh man I'm sorry.. Well there are people everywhere... Hopefully it slows down. What breed of cat do you breed?
This is the post we are talking about, and I am the spinless one??
I'm sorry this is just not the way we deal with things. This in my opinion is wrong and completely 8th grade. I am a mom and this is not what I want my kids to learn. Now not everyone will ever share the same opinion as you.
What you did may have been the right thing to do but I kind of agree some parts of your methodology in how you went about it was not very neighborly or well thought out.

Most people should be given an opportunity to face their accuser.
Anyway... I have been told that to find out about
The rules regarding other peoples animals on your
Property, you have to call your sherrif because rules vary town totown. Sorry not to have been of more help.
Still anxiously awaiting the results of the ag dept return
What you did may have been the right thing to do but I kind of agree some parts of your methodology in how you went about it was not very neighborly or well thought out.

Most people should be given an opportunity to face their accuser.
How was it not very nerighborly? They are abusing animals. I have thought it out, and if I were to think it out any longer maybe all the birds would be dead. I have given these people 3 chances, have tried 3 different ways to help the birds, 1. I got them out of that abandoned trailer. 2. I supplied materials and my time and labor building a coop. 3. Have sat down with the both of them offering help with the birds after I was asked for education on raising birds. When the type of people they are find out who has interupted their way of being they dont go talk to that person, or rant and rave at that person they are childish and figure the only way to deal with it is to "get even" and that is not going to happen on my property. When the first mishap with them moving the birds back into their coop happened they threatened to open my coop in the middle of the night and shoo my birds out and shut the door.. I sat up all night, they came on my property at 4 am I walked outside and asked them to leave. This is not what i want to deal with. I want help for the animals. They have ruined all chances for there to be a nice and neighborly relationship
Anyway... I have been told that to find out about
The rules regarding other peoples animals on your
Property, you have to call your sherrif because rules vary town totown. Sorry not to have been of more help.
Still anxiously awaiting the results of the ag dept return
Oh me too.. I want this all over with. I want those poor birds to be properly taken care of and I want these people to leave me alone. When bad things happen to them they want to be my friend and act like nothing ever happened and get mad when I turn them away. I like to live a nice quiet life with my family and animals.
Taking animals that do not belong to you in the middle of the night is stealing, tresspassing (if on private property), and vigilantism. All are things our legal system protect against for a reason. Much, much better options are either offering to take animals off someone's hands, buying them (has some issues), or better yet, going through proper channels as the OP has just done. I've seen way too many a person have a properly cared for pet stolen from their own yards because someone decided it was "lost" or "abused".
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