Animal Attack!


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2015
So my flock was attacked and I lost my biggest male and one of my females may be injured. I have checked her for wounds and didn't find any other than twisted and missing feathers. Yesterday she seemed ok but moved a lot slower, this morning I saw the other ducks picking on her so I separated her and put electrolyte water and food by her. She won't eat or drink though, and is acting incredibly weak, like she can't hold her head up. Every now and then I will dip her beak in the water to try and encourage her to drink, but she is now panting. Her eyes are open and alert. I feel like she might have internal injuries but don't know what to do. Could she just be depressed from losing her mate?
So my flock was attacked and I lost my biggest male and one of my females may be injured. I have checked her for wounds and didn't find any other than twisted and missing feathers. Yesterday she seemed ok but moved a lot slower, this morning I saw the other ducks picking on her so I separated her and put electrolyte water and food by her. She won't eat or drink though, and is acting incredibly weak, like she can't hold her head up. Every now and then I will dip her beak in the water to try and encourage her to drink, but she is now panting. Her eyes are open and alert. I feel like she might have internal injuries but don't know what to do. Could she just be depressed from losing her mate?
You might want to get her some nutridrench you can get it a farm store. Put it directionly in her mouth since she is not drinking anything. She is probably stressed from being attacked and losing her mate but it's hard to say. Keep her in a quiet place and see that she is eatting and drinking. You might want to give her treats, frozen peas warmed up, boiled egg, greens anything that will tempt her to eat. I hope she gets better let us know please.

She just died, upon further investigation I found a tiny puncture wound at the base of her neck. I can't believe I didn't see it before, there was no blood. It was most definitely a fox attack.
She just died, upon further investigation I found a tiny puncture wound at the base of her neck. I can't believe I didn't see it before, there was no blood. It was most definitely a fox attack.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Please be careful the fox will probably come back for the rest of your ducks. God bless.

I lost both of my mallards a couple weeks ago. I was so sad, went to let them out in the morning and they were gone. Found one eaten and never found the other. Today at work we found a tiny mallard in the parking lot of Meijer all alone looked everywhere for others and mother with no luck so I bought it home. She's staying in the garage.

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