Animals are NOT Humans

For all of you people that like the trap and relocate method keep in mind 2 things.
1. someone else might be inheriting your problem
2. relocating wild animals can spread disease very quickly through their populations.

I read an article once about racoons. Years ago people were removing them from from their property and dropping them off in parks and other wooded areas quite some distances from where they were trapped. Because of this, areas that had been previously rabies free had outbreaks. Good hearted intentions had bad results.

I love animals, but jeopardizing other animal populations or putting your problem on somebody else's doorstep because you don't want to deal with it is not a responsible answer. If you have a predator, reinforce your coop, shoot it yourself or deal with the losses. If you feel you must trap and relocate contact a reputable wildlife rescue group for assistance. They may have info on area populations and appropriate relocation areas and techniques.
Ok I am going to add in my 2 cents to this. I have lived in the country my entire life and grew up on a farm. I absolutely love animals. There are those animals if it be cow or dog or chicken that are like pets to me. I use to cry when my dad would have to sell a cow or something that was my pet because she injured her self or got some severe mastitis but I learned after a while that he had no other choice in the matter. He appreciates his animals and does everything he can to protect them and make sure that they have good and healthy lives. If something happens to one he says it was meant to be and moves on. I have lost several chickens to predators and yes it does hurt but you can;t blame those animals for doing what come natural to them. If I see an animal like a coyote around my property I scare it off so it does not want to come back. That is the best I can do. Also if you shoot at it but not aiming to hurt it they often will not want to come back. The other thing that really bothers me is that all these people are talking about killing their next door neighbors dog because it killed their chickens. Yes I do agree it hurts and that the neighbor should take better care of that animal but again it is their instinct to do that. Again I hope I did not offend anyone
i have to disargee about not hunting down the predators. it wasn't to many years ago that there wasn't any raccons that lived here now there ever where destorying the pheasant pop. along with any waterfowl and of course chickens also stinking skunks worthless smelly things add in foxes and worthless dogs and even cat's. i lost so many dang birds over the years to these predators. and your right animals are not human thats why i have now problem taking the predator out:mad: sorry for the ranting.
O.K I'm jumping in too! I live inside the city limits - we are overrun with rabbits, coyote's and deer - I have rats in my barn - hawks circling overhead.

But, when they eat my garden (rabbits, deer) and then my chicken's - it's war! I blame our wildlife resources agencies for not controling the deer herds and definately for introducing the coyote - and now we have bear!!!!!! What are they thinking????

Excuse me, but I don't want to be a frontier woman, I just want to have a garden and raise bantams! Now if the coyotes would eat the rabbits and deer, everything would be great - instead they eat cats and small dogs.......the bear eat whatever they want!

All said and done - I love all animals - in their place.
I agree with you absolutely and I have said the same thing many times in the past. It hurts me to read the things that some people say about predators, to the point where I try not to read the pests & predators section if it refers to certain types. Let's face it, everyone on here loves their poultry, or you wouldn't be here. We love our birds, too. We also love the wildlife, and even though it hurts to lose a chicken, we understand that is one of the risks of this hobby. Poultry in the natural scheme of things are food, and always have been. If I can say anything positive about losing our pet birds, at least it has given us some experiences with, and up close exposure to, the wild creatures, that we might not otherwise have had. And those expereriences were not all bad, either. And that, in one way, makes it a little easier. We have learned ways to deter the predators, and we also have spent a lot of time studying them and their habits, which helps to understand them and also gives some insights into how to deter them.
pecking~order :

I AGREE!!!! It's not like we're going out and killing a...mother deers for no reason...There are rules set out. We don't kill for fun...A opossum got into out coop and killed five of our egg birds and three of our meat, so, we killed the opossom. hawks discovered our chickens, we killed the hawks....It's like if a dog attacked and killed a human, we'd put the dog down...Now, I know humans and animals are WAY, WAY difforent but, you get the picture...

just so ya know killing a HAWK is ILLEGAL it's a $10,000.00 fine for each one, that is a PROTECTED species.​
i hunt and i see nothing wrong with most kinds of hunting. they are to over run here and they jump in front of cars all the time and cause accidents and destoy crops ect.

i have 5 children and if me or my husband get anything in hunting season weather it be a squirel, grouse or a deer we use all the meat we possibly can to feed our family. we either keep the fur to make blankets and such or we sell the pelts to others who use them to make clothing. we don't let anything we have to go to waste and hunt for what god gave them to us for food and clothing not for the thrill of it.

however there is deer ranches here for sportmans and i strongly disagree with that. they pay 1,500 to sit there for a weekend and hunt a deer in a fence or pay to hunt quail. that is wrong that gives no far chase for the animal to even have a chance and that is sport hunting to me. they do it to go out and have fun with their buddies and brag and to have mounts and that there is no excuse for in MHO.
i hunt and i see nothing wrong with most kinds of hunting. they are to over run here and they jump in front of cars all the time and cause accidents and destoy crops ect.

i have 5 children and if me or my husband get anything in hunting season weather it be a squirel, grouse or a deer we use all the meat we possibly can to feed our family. we either keep the fur to make blankets and such or we sell the pelts to others who use them to make clothing. we don't let anything we have to go to waste and hunt for what god gave them to us for food and clothing not for the thrill of it.

however there is deer ranches here for sportmans and i strongly disagree with that. they pay 1,500 to sit there for a weekend and hunt a deer in a fence or pay to hunt quail. that is wrong that gives no far chase for the animal to even have a chance and that is sport hunting to me. they do it to go out and have fun with their buddies and brag and to have mounts and that there is no excuse for in MHO.

I agree.

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