Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

Good luck
i am guilty of not reading The rules myself
At first I was kind of shocked and dis appointed when you changed it all. But I see how the new system is better and more efficient! The only thing I am concerned about was mentioned in the other thread. Thank you so much for working all this out for us! I really appreciate it.
I did an auction!

It seemed easy, and it was fun. Have the eggs boxed & ready to go, waiting on the buyer to send payment.

I do have 2.5 questions.

1) Will we be able to leave feedback in 2 weeks when the feedback system has been reset? How long can we wait to leave feedback in general?

2) When will you get rid of that scary deleted user guy? He's still sending me PM's....
Test auctions are not currently counted, but once we feel peeps have the hang of the system we'll remove the test section and all listings will count.

Feedback: You can try out the feedback system right now. When we reset the system I'll try to backup all the feedback and post it so it won't be lost and peeps can then re-submit it by going to the old ended listings.

The seller and buyer can leave feedback right after the listing has ended.

Deleted staff user: This is his penance and way of working off his punishment. Once he's been reformed we'll consider changing his status.
I'm not sure if this has been answered but i have looked through the 4 pages and i haven't seen it. I was wondering, say I have one black chicken, 1 red chicken, and 1 white chicken, do I have to create different listings or can i just put all 3 of them on the same listing. We can do pick-up only right?
OK I've read thru the most of this and one thing I haven't seen addressed is the fact that alot of people have multiple items in a single sales thread so that your calculations of the # of sales a member has could be considerably off. One thread in the old BST section could equal 5 in the new system. Also it seems the limit is the #1 complaint of most members. So I guess I don't understand why it would be so difficult to up the limit to compensate for this and also to give sellers a buffer for the busy selling seasons.

My big concern is that this will take the 'Hometown Feel' away from buying and selling on BYC. The BST section was one of my favorites to browse just to see what was out there and peoples response to it and the great pics!

I haven't started selling yet but will soon and will want to give free eggs for testing shipping and fertility. Seems I'll be using up my auctions before I even sell anything. (Another vote for upping the limit)

I do sincerely hope this works out but am skeptical it will turn into another impersonal ebay.


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