Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

Any listings placed in the valid areas (i.e., not the test section) are valid and should be treated as real offers to sell and buy.

Yes, we'll need to delete all the feedback made to the new system once we do our next big upgrade to the system. We'll try to backup all the feedback so it can just be copied and pasted back into the system once everything is complete.
You aren't going to kill me? Is it safe to get out from under my chair now?
At the end of a BSA Listing if you were the buyer or the seller there will be a place within the listing to leave feedback.

Note 1: The listing must have ended in order for the feedback form to become available

Note 2: Feedback left in the new system will be deleted in a week or two when we do the next upgrade to the system.

So, we encourage everyone to create a test item or buy / win one and play with the new feedback system.
So, what if we bought an item just before the new system - can I leave feedback for her, or isn't there a way to do that? I will wait to leave feedback until the update is done

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