Announcing the Relaunch of the “Other Poultry” Breeds Database!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Back in May of 2010 we introduced our “Other Poultry” Breeds Database. It’s 10 months later and we have only a hand full of pages! wordgirl and call ducks have taken on this project and brought in some new organization of the database in an effort to make it better. But they can only do so much with very few pages!

We’ve seen the fantastic work that you BYC’ers have done with the Chicken Breeds Database, so we know you can make this great, too! These pages will be able to help hundreds – probably thousands – of people looking for information on all these wonderful birds!

So, it is up to YOU to help us populate the database with great information and pictures!

1) If a BYC page is already created for the breed, you need to select a different breed
2) Your must have rights to the content! The information and pictures you submit must NOT be copyright protected (you can't just copy from the web without written permission from the content owner).

To really encourage your help with building out this database we’re going to throw in some incentives!

If you submit a very good breed page (with great pictures, information, etc.) you can earn a free GFM for you or a friend – or even a $20 gift card for the BYC Store !

If your page passes our project managers’ inspection you’ll be awarded the following:

• 3 Month GFM for each APPROVED breed page (GFM can be gifted)
• A $20 BYC Store gift certificate for your 5th APPROVED submission.

So, if you create 5 approved breed pages you'll get: FOUR 3 month GFMs AND a $20 BYC Gift Certificate!

Here are the important pages:

Main Poultry Breeds Index
Submit a Poultry Breeds Page

A few notes:
1) The chicken breed submissions/system will continue to be separate and can be found here:
There will not be "sub" or "simple" pages for this "Other Poultry" system.
3) Regarding copyright: "Copyright protects the particular way authors have expressed themselves. It does not extend to any ideas, systems, or factual information conveyed in a work." - You can research and gather facts from other sources, but please don't break copyright of information or images.
4) Have information but no pictures? Get them from BYC members (of course asking them for permission).

If you have any questions or ideas regarding this project, please post them here!
I made a Golden pheasant one, and I edited it, and now instead of the OTHER POULTRY it is in the quail. The OTHER POULTRY isn't in the drop down.?
Thanks, Nifty!

Welcome to the relaunch of the Other Poultry Project (O.P.P.)!

BobwhiteQuailLover - I will figure out what we can do about that.
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Welcome and i am glad to see that there are a few new pages (gee you go to sleep for a few hours and everything happens

For a page to be approved we use this sheet as a guide line. That would be the best page ever made kind of deal, We know that's a long and lengthy list so we would like the basic things

~ Images (male and Female)
~ Detailed history (or as detailed as you can find)
~ Weights of mature birds.
~ Special housing needs (if applicable Ie. a Wood duck would need a different kind of run then an Silver Appleyard.)
~ Length of breeding season (all season, a few weeks etc)
~ temperament
~ physical description
~ purpose (and its abilities/characteristics in that area)

You can see the list here:

And of course if you have any questions PM me or post them on this topic.
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