Another Fun Duck: Runners


16 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Chebanse, Illinois
Here is another breed that I really like. They are different. Tall like a bowling pin, they can't fly, and they run all over the place. They sure are fun to watch. Here is a picture of one of our Gray Runner Drakes and a Gray Runner Duck (female)


I've got Black Runners.

As a matter of fact I've got 8 eggs in the bator right now so I
hope I'll have even more in a couple of weeks.

By the way they are really good layers of extra large eggs.

Bob D. in FL.
I am hatching out 10 khaki campbell duck eggs. I was told they are fairly quiet and good layers. My kids are excited. Husband not so much. We used to have indian runners those were fun.
Glad to see so many people on here informed about ducks....I adopted a gray duck....she has a fuzz ball on her head....and a slightly yellow breast. Not sure what she is....other than VERY vocal and pretty. She paired up with my rescued female mallard. Those 2 are a hoot...will "knock" on the basement window, when they are hungry.Anyone know what my little grey Mo might be? Or why she lays eggs all over the yard, not in one "nest"? She is almost a year old.

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