Another ID please

I am sorry about the cornish cross. We are on our first year raising chicks, layers and meat birds. We just put our 14 layers out in coop today..and we have 8 meat birds we got this week. Not sure how it will go with my youngest. I think its a great experience for her to learn where her food comes from, and the idea of knowing it has no crap added to it is a big plus. I think I will have a harder time then my kids, as I grew up a city kid and moved to the hills later. Good luck. PS...the barred rocks that we have are the friendliest out of the bunch. One of them has become my favorite, she flies right on to me, and takes well to being handled.
Geez, nobody said

You'll love the BR's! Congrats! The Cornish Cross are meat birds, so if you don't want to process them, maybe you can take them back and trade them for 2 different ones.
I have a friend who had a cornish cross. The bird lived nearly a year, but it was not a pleasant year for her (the bird, but actually for either of them). Their bodies grow far faster than their skeletons or organs can adequately support. Some people want a bird htat they can raise and eat in a couple of months. I don't eat chicken at all anymore, but if I did, it would not be cornish cross. In my opinion it is a cruel cross. I would suggest taking htem back to the feedstore and exchanging them for different birds. And you might suggest that they label the bin as "meat birds" as well as listing them as cornish X rock. Perhaps save some other person who is looking for pets.
I would first try to see if the feed store would do a swap. If they don't, offer them free on craigslist, someone might take them but make sure you tell them in the add they are for raising as meat birds and will have to be butchered.
You will love the Barred Rocks. If you can swap, Orpingtons are great for a nice pet kind of chicken too.
people think you have to butcher cornish crosses but you dont i had a very large hen around 25 lbs for 5 years before a dog came by and killed her... she never broke down she was really fat and happy laid an egg once a week but lived a happy life so keep the crosses and make fat pets out of them..

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