Another novice needs help with breed & gender ID...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
Central Coast NSW Australia

Can anyone give me a good guess on what breed and gender Daisy might be? Also, does her/his comb look normal? I think Daisy is about seven or eight weeks old. She was one of six I bought at a local poultry auction. Will post pics of the other five soon for help also.

The comb is normal. It's a pea comb, like you would find on an easter egger. If it is indeed 7 or 8 weeks old, I'd guess male.

I think Heidi is a red sex-link pullet. Jenni might be a pullet, but the rest look like cockerels.
Rosie, Hannah, and Georgie are DEFINEATLY little roos.

There are several different kinds of combs that chickens can have. Some are the single, rosecomb, and pea comb. So yes, his comb is just fine.

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