Another Ohio newbie


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
Central Ohio
Hi everybody!

I've been lurking here for weeks and it is a great site. I'm a first-time chicken owner although I took care of them everyday for 4 years while I was in college. It's been a bit of a challenge with this winter's stupid weather, but so far, so good. I took the plunge and got 6 pullets from Privett at the beginning of November. I went for large, docile, and cold-hardy breeds thankfully. I have 3 buff Orpingtons, a Dominique, a black Jersy Giant, and a speckled Sussex. They've been outside since New Year's and seem to be thriving. They hate the snow so have been fairly coop-bound, but it's just as well since the electro-netting and the ice don't seem to agree!

I just wanted to introduce myself finally!

from Ohio
My chickens are well, chickens when it come to snow.
But when it melts and they can get out.
I've chased mine out of the coop into the snow and they run around in it eating at it of all things, kinda funny to watch.
Thanks all! I should have specified that I got them as chicks so they're really still just babies. I've kicked them out into their little run a few times just so they get a change of scenery. They didn't like it one bit, so I'm hoping when the snow melts (if ever) they'll realize that they should really be outside!

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