Another police pepper spraying incident (caught on video)

you have no idea the damage his brothers and sisters are plotting against the Mesquite PD..
It looks bad for the officer, but he didn't know if it had rabies or what. Squirrels typically don't move toward people unless tame or...rabid!
Isn't that kinda overeacting on such a thing? It probably wasn't doing much and come on, protecting someone from a *SQUIRREL*? They aren't like bears or anything, I highly doubt it had rabies too, probably just wanted food from the kids. Who knows though, I'm not squirrel expert...
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WOw.. i'm sick! Like the very thing was going to rip his throat out or something...
Put your big boy pants on...

Totally makes me SICK! I'm surprised noone stepped in and helped the poor little thing...

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