Another Reason to Build a Full-Height Coop/Run

Wow that's a big gash! I hope you're feeling ok today. They did a nice job with the staples. :hugs

I'm going to work today.

I put my hair into braids while my scalp was still numb last night so I could just pin the braids up and not have to comb it until tomorrow morning.

Actually the arm with the tetanus shot hurts worse at the moment.
You must have stood up fast and hard to pop it open that far.
Looks to be ~3-4" long?

No, only half that -- 1.5-2".

I suppose I stood up fast, but only from bent over at the waist to look into the spot between that concrete block perch support and the wall to hunched over -- since I know very well how low that ceiling is.

But the hook was lurking in ambush.

I've been at work today, glad to have something to think about other than my headache.

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