Another RIR Question: Roo or Hen?


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Hello! I'm confused. I read that hens can crow, but... really? We have 1 RIR, so we have nothing to compare her/him to. Can someone help?

This morning is the first morning I have ever heard one of our 6 hens crow (4 months old). The suspect (Fergie) is in the picture below. She does tend to strut with her chest out, pecks the other chickens on the back of the neck, puffs out her neck feathers, and stomps her feet when you get close to her. It looks like she's the only chicken with nubs (the beginning of spurs?) on her legs, and her feet are much larger and darker yellow than the others. She actually is a nice bird though and I would love to keep her. She eats from our hands and is easy to pick-up and hold.

At any rate, is it looking like Miss Fergie is actually Mr. Fergie? It's important to know, because we're not allowed to have roosters and we don't want to breed. Any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated. If we figure out a way to keep 'him', I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of other questions about that. Lol.

Thanks so much!

That's a rooster.

Hens can crow, but it's older, dominant hens that do, not young pullets. Any 4 month old bird that's crowing is a boy. Plus, those long, shiny feathers hanging down in front of the tail? Those are saddle feathers and are only on roosters.

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