Another TSC duckling ID thread

Squeaky McMurdo

7 Years
Nov 7, 2012
Afton, Wyoming
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I bought some new ducklings today. We have a Buff and a Rouen hen from Spring chick days. We lost the 2 male runners the day after it ended so I promised my boys I would replace them next time I found ducks and ended up buying 5 :rolleyes:

I think the yellow with the black tail and a spot on its head is a Silver Appleyard. The “eye-liner” on the grey and yellow ones is throwing me off.
That’s kind of what I was thinking but has anyone ever got WH from Tractor Supply? They get their chicks from Hoover Hatchery and I assumed they ordered the Mixed Ducklings. I see Swedish on the list of what could be there, but not Welsh.

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