Another "What am I?"


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 18, 2010
This chick came with our day-old order back in mid-October. I'm fairly certain it's a she... but as this is my first year with hens at all, I have NO clue what breed I'm looking at. Doesn't REALLY matter (unless someone sees something in the pics that screams ROOSTER which in that case his name will end up being "Soup"), but I'm curious. She's in with a bunch of Arcaunas and RIRs... so despite being the same size as the others, she really sticks out in a crowd (earning the ironic name of "Waldo"). any guesses?



She's an Easter Egger, but she's not with a bunch of Araucanas, I - I see Easter Eggers in your photo beside her.

Araucanas don't have tails, beards, or "muffs."
Thanks for all the quick replies!!

She's an Easter Egger, but she's not with a bunch of Araucanas, I - I see Easter Eggers in your photo beside her.

Uh, interesting. "Araucana" was what I ordered -- a dozen of them. Are you saying these aren't Arcaunas? Why would a company list them as such if they aren't (remember... these are my first chicks and we've only had our half dozen barred rock hens since August - our first chickens EVER... so I apologize if the question is basic/silly).



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