Anti White Leghorn Bias?

He actually looks like a white Leghorn crossed with a RIR. First generation crosses with WL are usually mostly white as white is really a pigment blocker and not really a color so it usually dominates.
White Leghorn with RIR was my very first guess, but some folks early on said he doesn't look like he has any RIR to him.

This chart makes the earlobe appear to be beneath the white ear muff, and red in color on my boy.

Also, I just read in an article on ornamental breeds that Ameraucanas have ear muffs, not ear tufts, so I'm thoroughly confused.
You are right in the close up his lobes are red and the white is his ear fuzz. That would most likely rule out any white leghorn they usually carry the white lobe over in first generation crosses. Could be a white rock and RIR (sexlink?). He could be a red sexlink he appears to have a faint barring shadow in his neck hackles.
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Ameraucanas have muffs/beard, Araucanas have tuffs (and are tailess).

The rooster (ancona) in the middle has white earlobes, the barred cochin hen on the right has red earlobes.
Very interesting! How can you tell that Good Guy has barring?! I would never have guessed that.

So fun to find out white earlobes really do exist, and see them. None of my chicks have white earlobes, so I'm wondering if they are not white leghorn mix.

Do white rocks tend to lay well in winter in cold climes? My normal barred rocks stop in November and don't start until March. The fellow who said his roo was a leghorn says they lay in the winter for him, and he's in a colder area than I am?

Could he be a 2d generation white leghorn, I wonder?

So do all chickens, roos and hens, have the white ear fuzz type stuff that I thought was an earmuff? Is the white/cream to the "ear fuzz" a breed clue? My barred rocks don't seem to have it?

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