Antibiotics in food


6 Years
Jun 4, 2013
Hey guys about a year ago I started back up with chickens. Everything was fine tell I got a few chickens from someone else. I kept them separated for the 2 weeks as Ive read. and then introduced them to the flock. Ever since then I have been Battling wet coughing chickens. I lost quite a few tell I started giving them Tylan injections. this has since helped when it crops back up again. I am assuming Coocidious (sp) Since then I have been reluctant to buy any other chickens or chicks because I know My chickens are carriers for life... I read somewhere that if a chick is born and raised in the same area then they get I guess an immunity to coccidious??? So I thought AHA ill Incubate and let chickens raise a few ....

This seemed to work as I hatched out FBCMarans, RIR's, Buff Orphs Jersey Giants and Americaunas on feb 21. I have 15 older chickens and 25 of the 4 month olds and had no issues but now I am noticing coughs. For the wost cases I already treated with Tylan But im wondering if there is an Antibiotic I can give thrue the food. I live in florida and it has been raining steady for a week and so the water is getting washed out to much to give it to them through there water.

Any ideas would be appreciated I have thought of Starting all over but they are my babies any help would be great

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