Antibiotics will soon require vet prescription

I take it there is nothing like the British RSPCA in America?
There are two "free" animal care organizations in the UK; can't think of the name of the other one. They ask for a donation. Some give, others.....
It''s run as a charity I think. Some of their surgeries have avian vets. I took an owl there many years ago. I said it was my pet that lived outside in a tree. :D You can imagine the looks I got. They sorted the duck out though.
there are private organizeations.... Helen Woodward centers will work at cost... I dont know if they are strictly California.

When my kitties were born I got vouchers from friends of cats for neutering. Five kitties and momma too. took em all at once.

But There is a way to get treatment if need be. i drove sixty miles to take my Dewdrop in to the vet. He only charged me for meds and a days worth of boarding. like Seventy five bucks... A house call would have been out of the question.

One vet met me half way with colic medicine for my horse only charged me for the medicine.

Ranch vets are the best and usually most flexible about diagnosis and treatment if you can catch them in thier office. At least here in San Diego

I think availablility is influenced by the good works that the San Diego Zoo does.

Maybe we need to start a friends of chickens group. get vets to donate some of their time.

There are National Park vets here, but they will only deal with wildlife. Most of those have a decent amount of avian experience.
I haven't found anything like the RSPCA here though. The farmers and smallholders tend to know their local vets and when a vet visits for one thing they often get asked to prescribe other stuff for a different animal. Most will do it if you explain what the problem is.
Will antibiotics work for rabies. Just asking because I can get them here.:D
There is a window after exposure of like three days... I believe please check the facts I go alot off heresay on some things.... Three days or seventy two hours two hours...

here is a bit of information from Johns Hopkins hospital

""Unfortunately, there is no known, effective treatment for rabies once symptoms of the disease appear. However, there are effective vaccines that provide immunity to rabies when administered soon after an exposure. It may also be used for protection before an exposure happens, for people such as veterinarians and animal handlers.""

Yeah every time we see their commercials begging for donations and promising to send you a picture of an animal from one of their pounds my husband says 'before or after they've gassed the poor thing?'

I know in our area there are low cost vaccinations and spay/neuter clinics. Frankly I would have been willing to pay for veterinary care for one of my birds when it fell ill with what later a year later after he died....turned out to be a Marek's related issue. If I have cattle, horses, sheep or goats I could get care for them. I can get care for our 7 dogs and 5 cats without hesitation. But not my chickens.

Not all of my chickens are livestock. Some are pets and yes, I do care about them and if something happens to them I shed tears. But I am also on my own when something does happen to them and on occasion it will happen. An eye injury, a leg or joint injury, a laceration, a bumble foot. Chickens love to hurt themselves and one another.

My job as a flock keep will definitely be harder if this is implemented. And I will have to be more creative in treating them.
Yeah every time we see their commercials begging for donations and promising to send you a picture of an animal from one of their pounds my husband says 'before or after they've gassed the poor thing?'

I know in our area there are low cost vaccinations and spay/neuter clinics. Frankly I would have been willing to pay for veterinary care for one of my birds when it fell ill with what later a year later after he died....turned out to be a Marek's related issue. If I have cattle, horses, sheep or goats I could get care for them. I can get care for our 7 dogs and 5 cats without hesitation. But not my chickens.

Not all of my chickens are livestock. Some are pets and yes, I do care about them and if something happens to them I shed tears. But I am also on my own when something does happen to them and on occasion it will happen. An eye injury, a leg or joint injury, a laceration, a bumble foot. Chickens love to hurt themselves and one another.

My job as a flock keep will definitely be harder if this is implemented. And I will have to be more creative in treating them.

I doubt your bird survived a year with Mareks before dying..

And if it did it would still be dead even if you took it to a vet. There is no cure for Mareks.

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